Croatian Defence Forces - Wikipedia
The HOS had a black flag with its emblem in the centre: a circle of triple wattle containing a chequered shield (with white first square) over a four-sided blue-and-white triple-wattle symbol; above, the inscription "HOS"; below, "HSP, Za dom spremni", which was the Ustaše salute during WW2 in the Independent State of Croatia. [21]
Hrvatske obrambene snage – Wikipedija
Hrvatske obrambene snage (HOS) su službeno osnovane krajem lipnja 1991. od strane Dobroslava Parage, Ante Paradžika, Alije Šiljka i još nekih članova tadašnjeg vodstva HSP-a. Odmah je osnovan i Ratni stožer HOS-a, a Ante Paradžik je bio njegov prvi načelnik.
Hrvatske obrambene snage – Wikipedia
Die Hrvatske obrambene snage (kroatisch für Kroatische Verteidigungskräfte), kurz HOS, war eine Miliz bzw. Freischar der neofaschistischen Kroatischen Partei des Rechts (HSP). Sie sah sich in der Tradition der Ustascha bzw. der Schwarzen Legion und beteiligte sich während ihres Bestehens von 1991 bis 1993 am Kroatien- und Bosnienkrieg.
Category : Croatian Defence Forces - Wikimedia
2024年3月3日 · Flag of the 9th Battalion "Knight Rafael Boban".png 2,560 × 1,536; 268 KB. Flag of the Croatian Defence ... Flag of the Croatian Defence Forces.svg 1,200 × 600; 177 KB. Flag of the Vukovar Company.png 3,600 × 2,160; 958 KB. HOS flag.gif 432 × 216; 2 KB. HOS proglas.jpg 1,648 × 2,318; 429 KB. HOS Vitezovi.jpg 352 × 356; 33 KB. Hos.jpg 600 ...
Croatian Armed Forces (Independent State of Croatia)
The war flag of the Independent State of Croatia. The Croatian Armed Forces were formed in 1944 with the uniting of the Croatian Home Guard and the Ustaše Militia in the Independent State of Croatia (NDH). It was established by the fascist Ustaše regime of Ante Pavelić in the NDH an Axis puppet state in Yugoslavia during World War II.
Do Not Touch The HOS Flag – Croatia, the War, and the Future
2017年8月13日 · The HOS flag (as are all other flags fought under in Croatia’s Homeland War) is one of the visible symbols that invite individuals to think beyond their self-interest. It represents a moral commitment to the common good of the collective entity called the Republic of Croatia.
Austrian government bans HOS symbols - N1
2021年12月1日 · The Austrian government has made a decision to ban additional symbols that are connected with the Ustasha regime, such as the flag and coat-of-arms of the Croatian Defence Forces (HOS), the Greens, a member of the Austrian government, said on Wednesday.
HOS flag with fringes 200x100cm - SnC Shop n Cro
HOS flag with 2 metal rings – Singlesided October 27, 2021 Similar post. Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. It's where your interests connect you with your people.
HOS Flag - 3D model by cjmccaleb [dea4afa] - Sketchfab
High Res Heroes of the Storm Flag - HOS Flag - 3D model by cjmccaleb. Explore Buy 3D models. For business / Cancel. login Sign Up Upload. HOS Flag. 3D Model. cjmccaleb. Follow. 75. 75 Views. 3 Like. Add to Embed Share Report. Triangles: 536k. Vertices: 268k. More model information. High Res Heroes of the Storm Flag. Published 5 years ago. Nov ...
HOS flag with 2 metal rings - Singlesided - SnC Shop n Cro
HOS Za Dom Spremni flag in black with 2 grommets, Size 150cm x 90cm Printed on polyester One sided print, perfect for a wall or similar