Hoshea - Wikipedia
Hoshea, a trusted advisor and companion to King Pekah of Israel, seized power during a time of great turmoil. As the Assyrian Empire invaded Israel's eastern territories, Pekah's grip on the …
Hoshea | King of Israel, Assyrian Vassal & Prophet | Britannica
Hoshea, in the Old Testament (2 Kings 15:30; 17:1–6), son of Elah and last king of Israel (c. 732–724 bc). He became king through a conspiracy in which his predecessor, Pekah, was …
Who was King Hoshea in the Bible? | GotQuestions.org
2022年1月4日 · Hoshea son of Elah became king of the northern kingdom of Israel in 732 BC after assassinating King Pekah, son of Remaliah. Hoshea reigned 9 years. He was a wicked …
何西阿书第1章逐节注解、祷读 – 圣经综合解读
2016年9月20日 · 《何西阿书》背景 《何西阿书》的希伯来名是「何西阿 הוֹשֵׁעַ / Hôshēa 」,是《十二先知书》( תרי עשר / Trei Asar)中的第一篇。 在希伯来文圣经《塔纳赫》(תנ״ך / …
King Hoshea: An Archaeological Biography - Bible Archaeology …
2021年10月8日 · Hoshea was the final ruler of the northern Kingdom of Israel, reigning from ca. 732-723 BC1 until the fall of Samaria2. The biblical record of Hoshea’s reign is as follows: In …
何西阿 - 百度百科
何西阿 ( Hosea )是《圣经·旧约全书》里何西阿书一卷的作者,他是公元前8世纪的一位先知,父亲备利(Belee)亦是当时的一位先知。 他依照上帝的说话,娶了歌蔑为妻,并育有数名子 …
Who Was King Hoshea in the Bible? - Christianity
2023年11月17日 · If Hoshea had turned to the Lord, all of this could have been prevented. What Can We Learn from King Hoshea? King Hoshea wasn’t a good king. He allowed pagan …
Hosea Summary and Study Bible
Summary: Hosea depicts God’s unwavering love and faithfulness despite Israel’s persistent unfaithfulness and idolatry. Through the prophet’s marriage to his unfaithful wife Gomer, God …
Hoshea - New World Encyclopedia
Hoshea ("the Lord's salvation") was the last king of the ancient Kingdom of Israel. During his reign Israel was conquered by Assyria and the people of the ten northern tribes of Israel were taken …
何西阿书 - 百度百科