Heinrich Gustav Hotho - Wikipedia
Heinrich Gustav Hotho (Berlin, May 22, 1802 – Berlin, December 25, 1873) was a German historian of art and Right Hegelian. He is famous for being the compiler and editor of Hegel's posthumous work Vorlesungen über die Ästhetik ("Lectures on Aesthetics"). During boyhood he was affected for two years with blindness consequent on an attack of measles.
SEP:黑格尔美学(Hegel's Aesthetics)第1~5节 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2009年1月20日 · 黑格尔的一名学生海因里希·古斯塔夫·霍托(Heinrich Gustav Hotho)根据黑格尔的手稿(现已遗失)和一系列的讲演记录在1835年出版了 黑格尔美学讲演汇编 (并于1842年再版)。
Hotho, Heinrich Gustav - Dictionary of Art Historians
Esthetician and early art historian; major exponent of Hegel’s philosophy in art. Hotho studied law at the Universities of Jura and Breslau between 1820-22 before settling on philosophy at Berlin. He wrote his doctorate in 1826 on Descartes, receiving his habilitation in esthetics and art history a year later with a work on Heraklitus.
Lectures on the Philosophy of Art: The Hotho Transcript of the …
2015年6月21日 · Hotho, who took over Hegel's lectures on aesthetics in Berlin, published his edition of Hegel's Aesthetics lectures first in 1835 and in a second edition in 1842 (the latter of which Knox used as the basis of his translation).
Lectures on Aesthetics - Wikipedia
Lectures on Aesthetics or Lectures on Fine Art (German: Vorlesungen über die Ästhetik) is a compilation of notes from university lectures on aesthetics given by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel in Heidelberg in 1818 and in Berlin in 1820/21, 1823, 1826 and 1828/29.
【转】张雨轩:“美学”还是“艺术哲学”?——关于黑格尔《美学讲 …
2022年1月30日 · 用“美学”(Ästhetik)做书名,是黑格尔的学生霍托(Heinrich Gustav Hotho)所编订的。 但有学者认为,霍托根据他所参加的两次黑格尔美学课程和黑格尔留存手稿整理出的这两个版本(1835年版、1842年版)是有问题的。
德意志与尼德兰绘画史 - 百度百科
德国霍托(Heinrich Gustav Hotho,1802—1873)著(1842—1843)。 尝试将黑格尔(Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel,1770—1831)体系运用于美术史研究。 把美术史看成一门哲学学科,其著作中主要论述美术作品的美学意义,缺点是缺少艺术实践方面的专业知识。
Lectures on the Philosophy of Art: The Hotho - ProQuest
After Hegel's death, his student Heinrich Gustav Hotho took over his course on aesthetics. The standard English translation by T. M. Knox of Hegel's Aesthetics: Lectures of Fine Art is actually the version produced by Hotho in 1835 and revised in 1842.
1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Hotho, Heinrich Gustav
HOTHO, HEINRICH GUSTAV (1802–1873), German historian of art, was born at Berlin in 1802, and died in his native city on Christmas day 1873. During boyhood he was affected for two years with blindness consequent on an attack of measles. But recovering his sight he studied so hard as to take his degree at Berlin in 1826.
Hegel: Lectures on the Philosophy of Art: The Hotho Transcript …
2014年10月28日 · His student, H. G. Hotho, compiled auditors' transcripts from these separate lecture series and produced from them the three volumes on aesthetics in the standard edition of Hegel's collected works.
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