ChestShop | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft Community
2018年1月10日 · Place a chest on the ground; Place a sign 1 block away from the chest (for example, above it) On the sign, write: Leave the first line empty. It will be automatically filled with your name by the plugin (if you have the permission ChestShop.admin then you can create shops with the names of other players) Second line is the amount of items to ...
BetterPrivateChest [player-friendly] 1.2.6 - SpigotMC
- TRUST: You can trust up to 2 players in the third and fourth rows of the board to allow them to open the chest. - STRONG SECURITY: The chest or sign cannot be broken, also the block under each chest has special protection from pistons. - DOUBLECHEST: The private chest sign protects double chests, as long as they are attacked without using shift.
1.15.2 - Custom Chest | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft …
2020年4月17日 · I am wondering how to create a custom chest item where it would possess features that a regular chest item would not have. For example, I could write the command /give <player> customchest, and it would give the player the customchest item which would have properties different from a regular chest, as well as the regular features of a chest.
'chest with 3 rows' is not an entity type (filename.sk, line
2019年8月15日 · By adding &r before the name of the item it will remove all other colors and also will not give you the ugly italic text on the name of the sword and armor. If you still want color then just do &r&(color) You can also name the chest by simply using open chest with 3 rows named "(name)" to player
Solved Help! How to set chest perms with World Guard? - SpigotMC
2023年3月15日 · The main reason why you’d have separate owners or members is because you can set permissions to use commands separately for owners and members." I used the command I mentioned earlier to set a player as a member -- or for the sake of my example I have set myself, KyameronKing, as member via /rg addmember -w "Kingdoms Of War" KyameronShop.
How to allow only Owners of chest, to open it - SpigotMC
2018年5月8日 · To use "/rg flag <RegionName> <flag(use/chest-access)> allow/deny" i need the region name! Okay, how to get it? try to define and set as a normal name. After try it, it say that you cant define region becouse you didnt select a area. ( Okay then i dont want to continue this way, lets try to use the name that have by default)
Chest Sorter | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft Community
ChestSorter is a lightweight Minecraft plugin designed for Spigot/Paper servers (Minecraft 1.20 to latest) that automatically sorts chests by stacking similar items and ordering them alphabetically. Simply open a chest and perform a shift-right click in the chest's inventory to have your items neatly organized! Features
Break chest, drop chest contents, but don't drop chest
2019年7月25日 · You can try cancelling the event, storing the contents of the chest as a list of item stacks, set the block at Chest is at to AIR, then spawn the items in from the list. #2 ProSavage , Jul 25, 2019 + Quote Reply
Players cant open chests in spawn. (Enderchests / chests)
2015年5月12日 · check your spawn protection radius in server.properties... and make sure your chests are not in the spawn protection radius... if you need to make the radius small... like 2, 3 or even 0.
AutoSellChests | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft …
2022年7月2日 · 1. Could you make the plugin synchronize with economy shop gui. 2. Could you make the chest sell items automatically every minute or so instead of how it is now that the chest needs to be opened. that would make the plugin a 5/5