What is the age gap between Anakin and Padme?
2016年5月3日 · PH: When we meet Anakin in Episode 1, it’s just a few days before his 10™ birthday. He’s nine years old, and Amidala is 14. Anakin turns 10 when he begins his Jedi training. When we catch up to them in Episode II, Anakin has just turned 20, and Padmé’s 24. Ask the Master - Pabli Hidalgo: Star Wars Insider #63
How old was padme in star warsIII? - Answers
How old was padme in star warsIII? Updated: 10/24/2022. Wiki User. ∙ 15y ago. Study now. See answer (1) ... Character Birthdate Age in: Episode I Episode II Episode III. Padmé Amidala 46 B.B.Y ...
How old was padme in revenge of the sith? - Answers
2023年8月28日 · Padme was 26 when she died. Born in 46 BBY on Naboo she became Queen of Naboo at age 12 and ended her reign at age 20. She spent the next 5 years of her life as Senator.
How old was Emperor Palpatine, and did the dark side keep him …
-22 Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones [13:5:21]-21 Wedge Antilles-19 Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith [16:5:23]-19 Luke Skywalker & Princess Leia (Luke born first)-18 Corran Horn-18 Mara Jade Skywalker. 0 Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. 3 Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. 4 Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi
star wars - How did Padme's decoy from The Phantom Menace …
2012年2月7日 · +1 for pointing out the importance of this exchange over all the others quoted. Sabe is fine with routine diplomatic duties, but when there's an important decision to be made, she hesitates. But she hesitates in a way that lets Padme cue her with an answer, without breaking cover. –
How old is Queen Amidala meant to be in the Phantom Menace?
2016年6月4日 · 1 Answer Sorted by: Reset to default Highest score (default) Date modified (newest first) Date created (oldest first)
What happened to Sabé after serving as Padme's decoy?
2016年8月4日 · The former handmaiden and bodyguard for Padme Amidala pursues a similar career after the Clone Wars, working as a diplomatic agent for Naboo's rulers and a clandestine operative for the resistance movement among various Imperial Senators and insurgent groups. After the Clone Wars.
star wars - When was Luke Skywalker conceived? - Science Fiction ...
2015年12月11日 · Anyway, I got to reading this question about why Anakin thought he could save Padme when she was so close to giving birth, and the (currently) top-voted answer raised even more questions about how long Padme had actually been pregnant when she died. Either Lucas didn't give her enough of a belly or her newborns were much too old when they came out.
star wars - Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange
2013年2月22日 · In G-Canon, it is not revealed that Padme is pregnant with twins until she is in the medical bay ready to give birth. When asked what they should be named, she immediately responds without much thought. From the script: OBI-WAN: Don't give up, Padme. PADME winces from the pain. The MEDICAL DROID is holding the BABY. MEDICAL DROID: It's a boy.
Why did Obi-Wan do nothing about Anakin's feelings for Padme?
2014年9月28日 · “But he still has much to learn. His skills have made him… well-” Obi-Wan paused, trying to walk that delicate line. “-arrogant. I realize now what you and Master Yoda knew from the beginning. The boy was too old to start the training, and…” “He has a… an emotional connection with her. It’s been there since he was a boy.