Doctor won't perform surgery :: RimWorld General Discussions
2017年6月11日 · Hi, I have a problem, I need to performe an amputation on one of my pawns, but my doctor won't do the surgery. Even when I right click on the patient, I don't have the option to perform it. At first I thought it's because I don't have the herbal medicine in a stockpile, but I move one in it. Still nothing. Then I moved the bed to make sure the doctor can access it, again nothing. I …
Perform Surgery - WordReference Forums
2009年9月11日 · Perform Surgery. Thread starter ct210; Start date Sep 11, 2009; C. ct210 New Member. english/dominican spanish
surgery or a surgery | WordReference Forums
2012年5月18日 · Even if the definition of "surgery" is "operation," that doesn't necessarily prove that the words are interchangeable without modifying the sentences in which they appear in any other way. A doctor would say "I have to perform surgery" and "I have to perform an operation," or "I'm in surgery this afternoon" and "I'm in an operation this afternoon."
How do i do surgery? :: RimWorld General Discussions - Steam …
2016年12月30日 · Then select your surgeon to go perform the operation. They will require medicine and whatever additional materials that are required to do so. Last edited by grapplehoeker ; Dec 30, 2016 @ 4:33pm
Not ready for surgery :: RimWorld General Discussions - Steam …
2021年9月22日 · I have the problem that I can't perform surgery on anyone (Animal, Human, Colonist, Prisoner). It always says "Not ready for surgery". I have hospital beds, animal sleeping spots and plenty of herbal medicine. Yesterday everything worked fine but after loading my safe today it won't let me. I even disabled all mods I had active but it didn't solve the problem. Has anyone experienced the same ...
Can't perform surgery: no materials :: RimWorld General Discussions
2017年7月9日 · Can't perform surgery: no materials Hey, I'm having a problem, I'm using EPOE and I want to install a bionic eye on one of my pawns, I have a operation bill set, a doctor with the appropriate skill, and I have several bionic eyes sitting in stockpiles, but when I try to assign a doctor to prioritize operating it says I lack materials.
do / make a surgery | WordReference Forums
2011年1月23日 · Como dice stooge1970, se dice "to perform surgery". Es posible decir "do surgery", pero a mi oído suena más natural decir "perform surgery". Hablando de todo... eso de que en Inglaterra se dice "to hold surgery" al hablar de un parlamentario me sorprende... viví un año en Londres hace como 20 años y nunca oí esa expresión.
achievement "Non-invasive procedure" broken :: Baldur's Gate 3 …
2023年8月16日 · Non-invasive procedure Kill the Surgeon before he performs surgery on you in combat. I talked the Surgeon into replacing the victim, so he was slashed by the nurses. I feel like I have deserved this achievement, but it was not triggered.
Looking for a mod that let's a Pawn perform surgery on …
2022年2月17日 · Looking for a mod that let's a Pawn perform surgery on themself/without another Pawn's help. Title says it all, anyone have a mod that does this? Doing a Solo playthrough for Winston Waves and wanna be able to beef my Pawn up with some prosthetics that got dropped.
ICU Surgery? :: Project Hospital General Discussions - Steam …
2018年11月1日 · Which happens very frequently with the more critical patients. After awhile you start to get a sense of which cases are likely to collapse before they get to surgery. These are the ones you send direct to ICU. This means only one bed transfer between TC and surgery (TC>Collapse>ICU>Surgery), not two bed transfers (TC>Cardio>Collapse>ICU>Surgery).