Engine smoking - 289 V8 - Help | Ford Mustang Forum
2017年2月9日 · Put oil down the cylinders, changed oil and oil filter, new distributor cap + cables, new spark plugs, flushing radiator out while running it. Start quickly, and runs smoothly. Using fuel with sea foam from separate can. However, white smoke is coming out of exhausts. On initial start up no smoke, however 20-30 seconds it starts to produce smoke.
289 Blowing Blue Smoke - Vintage Mustang Forums
2014年2月17日 · Turn the engine over BY HAND until you feel it stop. You've squished the rope between the piston top and the valves. Grab your handy valve spring tool and a small magnet-on-a-stick, compress the valve spring, tap the keepers with the magnet and remove them, then release the compressor and remove the retainer and spring.
Car Maintenance : How to Make a Motor Stop Blowing Smoke
2009年1月27日 · Try a heavier weight oil to stop an engine from smoking excessively with tips from a certified master mechanic in this free video on car maintenance....more. Depending on the extent of...
How to Make a Motor Stop Blowing Smoke - YouTube
Try a heavier weight oil to stop an engine from smoking excessively with tips from a certified master mechanic in this free video on car maintenance. How to Make a Motor Stop Blowing...
289 help.. white smoke | Mustang Forums at StangNet
2004年10月28日 · From my understanding (which could be wrong), you need the thermostat to help slow down the movement of coolant or else it moves to fast to cool the block. Are you going through coolant? Do you have to top it off to drive down the road? Unburnt fuel is black.
Sludge in a 289 - Vintage Mustang Forums
2020年1月9日 · There are usually two or three things that cause smoking. Bad valve umbrella oil seals and worn valve guides (which your heads look like candidates for) and worn piston rings/ cyl bore out of spec. Usually if the smoke is on startup and clears up this is a sign of valves.
How to Make a Motor Stop Smoking - It Still Runs
Usually, just remove the oil cap off the top of your motor, and then pour in the smoke fix treatment. But check the instructions just to be sure. Also, if you don't know where your oil cap is, the sales associates at your local parts store would be more than happy to show you.
289 smoking - Vintage Mustang Forums
2023年1月25日 · Water condenses inside the exhaust pipes as they cool every time you turn it off and let it cool. It will take about 30 seconds to warm up the condensation and turn it to steam to blow it out the end of the pipes. It will stop "smoking" after 4 or 5 minutes usually when the water is all evaporated.
Rebuilt 289 is starting to smoke - Ford Mustang Forum
2008年11月9日 · I have a stock rebuilt 289 (engine rebuilt from Vege Engines) with about 2,500 miles. Starting in the last 200 - 300 miles it begun to smoke a fair amount and especially at idle. From what I can tell (and smell), it is definitely burning oil. I have the timing set at 12 degrees advanced and overall, the engine seems to be running pretty well.
65 Mustang 289 Smoking - Ford Mustang Forum
2019年12月5日 · My recommendation is to rebuild your current engine, or replace it. If originality is not important to you, you might consider a modern 5.0 HO roller cam engine from an '88+ Mustang, or a '98-01 Exploder/Mountaineer. All of your 289 accessories (like intake, timing cover, oil pan and pump) should bolt right up. Sorry to hear about your trouble!