When "etc." is at the end of a phrase, do you place a period after it?
2011年1月10日 · If a statement ends with “etc.” the period in the abbreviation does double duty, serving as the full stop to end the sentence. If, however, you need another mark of punctuation after an abbreviation, you can put it after the period. So: This was her first trip to the U.S. (The period does double-duty, ending both the abbreviation and the ...
When putting "etc." in the middle of a sentence, do you use "etc," …
2015年10月28日 · Example: If you forgot your toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorent, etc., you will not be allowed to attend. Make sure you bring your fishing pole, tackle, bait, etc. as we will not make any stops. If ...
Is it correct that "etc." can not be used together in a sentence with ...
In their The Elements of Style, Strunk and White discourage the use of "etc." at the end of such lists. Update: Another reference is A Handbook for Scholars (2nd edition) by Mary-Claire Van Leunen. On page 130 she writes: "For example" gives notice that only some members of a set are to be mentioned; "etc." then drags in all the other members.
The usage of etc - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2016年12月13日 · In most cases I see a full stop after "etc" in the middle of a sentence but if it means "and the rest" or "and other things" then why should there be a full stop? Also, at the end of "etc", there should be a period. (This does not apply if you are using modern "open punctuation", which dispenses with periods for eg, ie etc). What does this mean?
When ending a list with "etc.", should there be a comma before …
2010年8月20日 · Regarding commas before and (or any conjunction) at the end of the list, that is a matter of huge debate. The subject is well-discussed on the Wikipedia page for the serial comma . Although it's probably fair to say that usage of the serial comma is non-standard in general, many notable institutions and publications such as Oxford and Harvard ...
How to deal with abbreviations like 'etc.' at the end of parentheses ...
The dot in etc. is the dot for the abbreviation; the solutions are: If the abbreviation is outside of parentheses, you use only one dot, because it serves for both the abbreviation and the sentence-period: I've got many animals, such as dogs, cats, etc. I've got many animals: dogs, cats, etc.
How do you use etc. with or? - English Language & Usage Stack …
2013年11月14日 · The reason it's awkward is because etc. means “and other things”: et cetera. For your use, you need “or other things”, for which there is no Latin phrase in English (it would use vel, the Latin for or) and consequently no abbreviation. This is a pity, because we are reduced to spelling out the alternatives.
Is it suitable to use 'etc.' in an academic paper?
2012年4月30日 · (Note that etc. is fine to use when referring to an infinite set, which is, by definition, a known set.) As an editor, I would almost always ask for a revision of a sentence that contains etc. It usually can be reworded more precisely and better without using this word. And quite honestly, many authors use it incorrectly.
grammar - Use of 'And more' to end a list - English Language
2024年1月8日 · Etc is sometimes considered problematic (it's vague and potentially obscures detail) or its use to be minimised (see this question) so the same principle would probably apply to "and more". I don't think you need "and more" or "etc" if you've already used "such as", "including", etc. –
grammar - Can you end a list with "e.g."? - English Language
2015年4月3日 · I think you are looking for "etc.", which you do put at the end of your list. It means "and other things", "and so on". Informally, you could say it means "and stuff like that". E.g. means "for example" and is put before your example or list of examples. It is good form to use e.g. in cases where space and text is limited. E.g., in these online ...