Multi-Source Weather (MSWX) is an operational, high-resolution (3‑hourly 0.1°), bias-corrected meteorological product with global coverage from 1979 to 7 months from now.
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System Status - GloH2O
Availability of the four MSWX sub-products (Past, NRT, Mid, and Long) and the respective input products (ERA5, GDAS, GEFS, and SEAS5) for the two-week period centered on today. The availability represents the air temperature variable; the …
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Supercharge your operational modeling applications with the most accurate and up-to-date weather information. GloH2O leverages the latest developments in machine learning, remote sensing, and modeling to produce the highest quality climate and weather data products.
MSWX: Global 3-Hourly 0.1
2022年3月8日 · We present Multi-Source Weather (MSWX), a seamless global gridded near-surface meteorological product featuring a high 3-hourly 0.1° resolution, near-real-time updates (∼3-h latency), and bias-corrected medium-range (up to 10 days) and long-range (up to 7 months) forecast ensembles.
Open Weather Model Datasets - Josef Matondang
2021年7月3日 · Seasonal forecast (MSWX – Long) GloH2O, the organization behind MSWX, also provides a global precipitation product named Multi-Source Weighted-Ensemble Precipitation (MSWEP). This product uses rain gauge, satellite, and reanalysis data to obtain precipitation estimates globally.
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GLEAM(阿姆斯特丹全球土地蒸发数据)介绍及下载 - 知乎
数据集提供格式为nc,其空间尺度为0.25°,时间尺度为月度数据,是最常用长序列的蒸散发数据。 该数据集提供两个版本的蒸散发数据 (v3.7a和v3.7b),分别为1980~现在,2003~现在,其区别在于长时间序列的蒸散发数据主要基于多源再分析数据及卫星数据(MSWX气象数据, MSWEP降水数据, VOD植被数据),而短历时蒸散发数据基于卫星数据生产。 · 来源: gleam.eu/ · 引用格式:
《美术文献》编辑部-首页 - mswx.juqk.net
《美术文献》杂志简介《美术文献》(月刊),创刊于1993年,是由湖北长江出版传媒集团有限公司主管、湖北美术出版社有限公司主办的艺术类学术期刊。主要栏目:封面艺术家推介、艺术观察、艺术史论、创作研究、美育与教学、视觉与设计、工艺美术等。本刊为:知网收录, 目次收 …
Global 3-Hourly 0.1 Bias-Corrected ... - KAUST FACULTY PORTAL
We present Multi-Source Weather (MSWX), a seamless global gridded near-surface meteorological product featuring a high 3-hourly 0.1 resolution, near-real-time updates (~3-h latency), and bias-corrected medium-range (up to 10 days) and long-range (up to 7 months) forecast ensembles.