LHP1, the Arabidopsis homologue of HETEROCHROMATIN PROTEIN1, is ... - PNAS
2006年3月20日 · The Arabidopsis genome encodes only one HP1-related protein (LHP1) which is much larger than mammalian or Drosophila HP1, with a moderately conserved chromo domain and weakly conserved chromo shadow domain .
The Function of Like Heterochromatin Protein 1 (LHP1) as an
2024年6月25日 · The Heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) family is a conserved group of non-histone chromosomal proteins involved in nuclear processes and transcriptional regulation (Schoelz and Riddle 2022). HP1 was first identified in Drosophila and is involved in stable and heritable transcriptional silencing, which is required for position effect variation (PEV ...
LIKE HETEROCHROMATIN PROTEIN 1 (LHP1) partially inhibits the ...
2024年8月12日 · LIKE HETEROCHROMATIN PROTEIN 1 (LHP1), as a component of Polycomb Repression Complexes (PRC), epigenetically mediates several plant developmental processes together with PcG proteins. We observed physical interaction between MYB73 and LHP1 in …
Like Heterochromatin Protein 1b represses fruit ripening via regulating ...
2020年3月17日 · Combining reverse genetic approaches, physiological methods, yeast two-hybrid, co-immunoprecipitation, and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays, we show that Like Heterochromatin Protein 1b (SlLHP1b), a tomato Polycomb Repressive Complex 1 (PRC1)-like protein with a ripening-related expression pattern, represses fruit ripening via colocalization...
The Arabidopsis LHP1 protein colocalizes with histone H3 Lys27 ...
2007年8月5日 · Using a DamID-chip method, we found that the Arabidopsis thaliana chromodomain-containing protein LHP1 colocalizes with H3K27me3 genome-wide. The LHP1 chromodomain also binds H3K27me3 with high...
The Arabidopsis LHP1 protein is a component of euchromatin
2005年10月22日 · The HP1 family proteins are involved in several aspects of chromatin function and regulation in Drosophila, mammals and the fission yeast. Here we investigate the localization of LHP1, the unique Arabidopsis thaliana HP1 homolog known …
LHP1, the Arabidopsis homologue of Heterochromatin Protein1…
2006年4月1日 · We have analyzed whether different histone methyltransferases and the chromodomain protein LIKE HETEROCHROMATIN PROTEIN (LHP)1 might play a role in vernalization.
Frontiers | LHP1 Could Act as an Activator and a Repressor of ...
2017年11月27日 · LHP1 not only interacts with PRC1 to catalyze monoubiquitination at lysine 119 of histone H2A but also functions with PRC2 to establish H3K27me3. This review is about the interaction of LHP1 with PRC1 and PRC2, in which LHP1 may act as a bridge between the two.
植物LHP1同源基因研究进展 - 百度学术
拟南芥like heterochromatinprotein1(lhp1)/terminalflower2(tfl2)基因被认为是后生动物hp1的同系物.在动物 中,hp1通常参与异染色质形成及基因沉默.与hp1不同,lhp1定位于常染色质并抑制位于常染色质中众多基因的表达.拟南芥lhpi/tfl2突变体 表现出多重表型,如早花,降低对光周期 ...
The Polycomb protein LHP1 regulates Arabidopsis thaliana stress ...
In the current study we show that the PRC1 protein LHP1 is required for the repression of the MYC2 branch of jasmonic acid (JA)/ethylene (ET) pathway of immunity. Loss of LHP1 induces the reduction in H3K27me3 levels in the gene bodies of ANAC019 and ANAC055, as well as some of their targets, leading to their transcriptional upregulation.
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