Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin - PMC
Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH) is a condition with significant fetal hemoglobin (HbF) production which continues in adulthood. This is usually caused by mutations in the β- or α-globin gene cluster or the γ promoter gene region.
Hereditary Persistence of Fetal Hemoglobin - Together by St. Jude™
HPFH can be diagnosed by looking at the levels of different types of hemoglobin in the blood. If hemoglobin F levels stay unusually high beyond infancy, it can indicate HPFH. Testing is usually more accurate when children are older. Genetic testing may be done to confirm HPFH. Other rare conditions can sometimes cause high hemoglobin F levels.
遗传性胎儿血红蛋白持存综合征(HbF持存、HPFH) - 血液病学
本病简称HbF持存或HPFH(hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin)。 特点是高浓度的HbF持续存在至成年,并均匀分布于各红细胞中。 按分子病理可将本病分为两类:一类是包括δ和β基因在内的大片段基因缺失,但γ基因未受影响,简称缺失型HPFH,多见于黑种人,也可见于印度和东南亚;另一类是 A γ基因或 G γ基因与β基因在减数分裂时发生不对称交换,产生融合基因(A γβ + 或 G γβ +),同时由于γ基因转录调控区发生点突变,使γ基因的转录增加,γ链合成因而增加,此 …
遗传性持续性胎儿血红蛋白增高症(HPFH)的分子机制- 中国产前 …
遗传性持续性胎儿血红蛋白增高症(Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin,HPFH)是成人红细胞中持续存在过量的胎儿血红蛋白 (Fetal hemoglobin,Hb F),血液学检查正常的遗传综合征。 携带者常无临床症状。 HPFH具有高度的遗传异质性,分子机制主要涉及11p15上β-类珠蛋白基因的遗传缺陷导致的Hb F异常高表达。 最近的研究表明,HPFH具有数量性状遗传特点,其发生机制可能不局限于单纯的β-类珠蛋白基因上的遗传缺陷,HPFH还与多个基因座的异常有关,具 …
Blessing in disguise; a case of Hereditary Persistence of Fetal ...
Hereditary Persistence of Fetal Hemoglobin (HPFH) is a rare benign asymptomatic genetic disorder where the HbF persists, and incidentally discovered on screening for other hemoglobinopathies.
Fetal haemoglobin levels and haematological characteristics of …
Hereditary persistence of fetal haemoglobin (HPFH) characterizes a group of phenotypically and genetically heterogeneous conditions marked by a substantially elevated HbF level in adulthood. HPFH is divided into two main groups: deletional and nondeletional.
遗传性持续性胎儿血红蛋白增高症 (HPFH)的分子机制-期刊-万方数 …
Jan 10, 2013 · 遗传性持续性胎儿血红蛋白增高症 (Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin,HPFH)是成人红细胞中持续存在过量的胎儿血红蛋白 (Fetal hemoglobin,Hb F),血液学检查正常的遗传综合征.携带者常无临床症状.HPFH具有高度的遗传异质性,分子机制主要涉及11p15上β-类珠蛋白基因的遗传缺陷导致的Hb F异常高表达.最近的研究表明,HPFH具有数量性状遗传特点,其发生机制可能不局限于单纯的β-类珠蛋白基因上的遗传缺陷,HPFH还与多个基因座的 …
遗传性胎儿血红蛋白持存症(hereditary persistence fetal hemoglobin,HPFH)是一种不正常的遗传性状态,是δ和β基因缺失致δ、β链合成障碍,胎儿期以后直至成年γ珠蛋白链的合成不能转为β珠蛋白链的合成,引起终生HbF持续性存在。 此种病例很罕见。 已发现的病例大多是黑人和希腊人,但在英国人、瑞士人及其他地区和民族中亦有发现。 近年我国在江苏苏州发现1例,浙江杭州一个家族8例,广东湛江地区4例。 HPFH的基因基础较复杂,在不同人种中HbF的浓度和γ珠蛋 …
Hereditary Persistence of Fetal Hemoglobin: Old, New and …
Nov 16, 2008 · Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH) is a result of mutations that prevent the silencing of the g-globin genes during the adult stage of definitive erythropoiesis. Two types of HPFH are recognized, deletional HPFH and non-deletional HPFH.
HPFH and Delta-Beta Thalassemia Have Different Profiles Of …
Hereditary Persistence of Fetal Hemoglobin (HPFH) and δβ-thalassemia are genetic disorders characterized by elevated levels of fetal hemoglobin (HbF) in adulthood. Deletions of variable sizes, and at different positions, that involve the β-globin gene complex on chromosome 11 are associated with these disorders.