STM study on surfaces of HOPG modified by implantation and heat ...
2001年8月1日 · A STM (Nanoscope E, Digital Instruments) with a 500-nanometers head and Pt/Ir tips enables us to determine non-destructively different structural changes on surfaces of ion-implanted HOPG. STM consist of a tunneling junction, where one electrode is an atomically sharp tip and the other is the surface to be studied.
Observation of HOPG by STM and contact AFM in various gas …
2005年10月1日 · Observations of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) were carried out by STM and contact AFM operating in air and various gas atmospheres (hydrogen, helium, neon and argon) under pressures up to 1.1 MPa. Atomic resolution images of the HOPG were obtained by STM in all the gas atmospheres studied.
高取向热解石墨碳氧反应的扫描隧道显微镜研究 ... - X-MOL
1991年7月1日 · 通过使用扫描隧道显微镜 (stm) 检查氧化的 hopg,研究了高温下高取向热解石墨 (hopg) 在空气中的氧化。 通过在 650 OC 的空气中加热新鲜裂解的 HOPG 样品,可以在 HOPG 基面中预先存在的缺陷或产生的空位上容易地形成尺寸均匀和单层深度的蚀刻坑。
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) is an important substrate in many technological applications and is routinely used as a standard in Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy (STM) calibration, which makes the accurate interpretation of the HOPG STM contrast of great fundamental and applicative importance.
STM surface studies of HOPG and Gold in air Paul Wilsona) and Tom Wright
STM-HOPG粒子计数器的原理及应用 - 百度学术
利用具有原子分辨的扫描隧道显微镜(STM)不仅可以观测单个荷能粒子(离子或中性粒子)在高定向热解石墨(HOPG)表面产生的孤立损伤形貌,而且可以通过测量和统计得到大量损伤的单位面积数密度和在空间上的分布规律,由此发展了具有高度空间分辨的低能重粒子STM ...
什么是热解石墨,高定向热解石墨hopg,热解石墨电极? - 知乎
HOPG(Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite)是一种新型高纯度碳材料,是热解石墨经高温高压处理后制得的一种新型石墨材料,其性能接近单晶石墨。 主要应用包括 X射线单色器 、 中子滤波器 和单色器、石墨基本性能研究、大尺寸石墨层间化合物基本研究等,为显微分析人员提供了一种可重复使用的平滑表面。 与云母不同的是, 高定向热解石墨 (HOPG)完全无极性适用于元素分析,并且分析信号中仅有碳原子背景信号。 高定向热解石墨(HOPG)优良的表面光滑性使其 …
HOPG的STM测量显示原子分辨率 - Nanosurf
石墨 stm 图的正确解读是: 亮点意味着较高的隧道电流,暗点意味着较低的隧道电流。 从石墨的晶格模型中可以看到,石墨晶格中有两种不同的碳原子位置(见R.C.Tatar等人,Phys Rev B 25 (1982) 4126)。
Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite (HOPG) - TipsNano
TipsNano supply with Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite (HOPG). It’s a type of pure, highly laminar graphite used as an atomic-scale calibration standard for atomic force microscopy and scanning tunnelling microscopy. HOPG crystals are widely used as substrates in STM (Scanning Tunneling Microscopy).
(a)-(c) Three typical STM images of the clean HOPG
We use the tip of the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) to manipulate single weakly bound nanometer-sized sheets on the the highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) surface through artifically...