2D Handheld Barcode Scanner - HPRT
• Highly accurate, fast reading on barcodes, even on damaged and poor contrast barcodes. • Support kinds of keyboard languages. • Highly integrated structure, best-in-class durability. • Fully compatible with multiple systems. • Bluetooth option--N130BT. Code 93, Code11, Plessey, MSI-Plessey, RSS-14. RSS-Limited. RSS-Expand etc.
hprt 2d手持掃描儀n130和n130bt的藍牙介面不同,讓您可以選擇無線掃描。 它具有擴展的自由度,適用於不同的讀取距離。 立即獲取報價!
HPRT N130BT USER MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
View and Download HPRT N130BT user manual online. Handheld Barcode Scanner. N130BT barcode reader pdf manual download.
Barcode Scanner, Handheld Scanner, Bluetooth Scanner ... - HPRT
Barcode scanners for 1D, 2D, QR code, handheld, fixed, embedded, wireless, and Bluetooth. It can read printed barcodes, decode the data and send the data to a computer. Explore HPRT barcode scanner now!
HPRT Barcode Scanner N130BT - Teknologi Timur Indonesia (tti)
• Highly accurate, fast reading on barcodes, even on damaged and poor contrast barcodes. • Support kinds of keyboard languages. • Highly integrated structure, best-in-class durability. • Fully compatible with multiple systems. • Bluetooth option–N130BT.
Pengimbas Barcode Portable, Pengimbas Barcode 2D Handheld N130/N130BT ...
Pemindai HPRT 2D komputer tangan N130 dan N130BT berbeda dalam antaramuka bluetooth, memberikan Anda pilihan untuk pemindai tanpa kabel. Memiliki DOF yang diperluaskan, diaplikasikan ke jarak pembacaan yang berbeda.
Top-class Barcode Scanner (Bluetooth)-N130 - hprt-emea.com
High performance decoding technology. With high end chips inside, N130 provide you with high accuracy, fast reading experience, even on damaged, poor contract and moving barcode. Expanded DOF. An extended DOF, apply to different reading distances, up to 15.7” (400mm). Multiple language. Support more than 80 countries’ keyboard languages.
N130/N130BT - HPRT
HPRT 2 DハンドヘルドスキャナN 130とN 130 BTのBluetoothインタフェースは異なり、ワイヤレススキャンを選択できます。 異なる読取距離に適した拡張された自由度を備えています。
N130/N130BT - HPRT
Los escáneres portátiles hprt 2d n130 y n130bt tienen diferentes interfaces bluetooth, lo que le permite elegir el escaneo inalámbrico. Tiene un grado de libertad extendido y se aplica a diferentes distancias de lectura.
N130/N130BT - HPRT
Les scanners portables HPRT 2D n130 et n130bt ont des interfaces bluetooth différentes, ce qui vous permet de choisir de numériser sans fil. Il a des degrés de liberté étendus et convient à différentes distances de lecture. Obtenez un devis maintenant!