Buy Bluetooth Receipt Printer, Portable Receipt Printer TP805L ... - HPRT
HPRT Bluetooth Receipt Printer receipt printer TP805L. Support 2D barcode, such as QR code/PDF417, Provide Windows/Linux/OPOS/Java POS/MAC driver. High power alarm, easy to receive printer signal under noisy environment.
TP805L - hprt.com.tw
Linux SDK ESC for TP805L: SDK: Linux: v1.2.1: Download: Pos App(Parameter Setting Tool for TP series POS printer) ...
Printer Driver and Software Download And Installation| HPRT
Download HPRT's printer drivers, SDK, utility, manuals from the official HPRT website.
高性价比80mm票据打印机TP805L的特征: 1、专利切刀设计. 2、超强兼容性能. 3、高效稳定打印. 4、完善的售后服务体系与技术支持. 5、支持省纸打印. 6、USB出错重打
台灣漢印科技股份有限公司 - hprt.com.tw
描述 類型 作業系統 版本 下載; Windows SDK ESC for TP805L: SDK: Windows: v1.3.0.2: Download: Windows Utility for TP805L: Utility: Windows: V1.2.3.25: Download
Wireless Pos Printer, Bluetooth Thermal Printer Manufacturer TP805 - HPRT
HPRT 3 Inch Thermal POS Printer TP805 is a classic-look receipt printer. It supports 250mm/s high printing speed and 203 dpi resolution.It can be used as a normal pos printer, and it can also be used as a kitchen receipt printer with the optional parts …
汉印 HPRT TP805L 驱动下载 - 打印机驱动网
2016年12月1日 · 汉印 HPRT TP805L 票据 打印机驱动 下载 版本:v2.7.3.1 发布日期:2021-12-26 适用于:Windows XP / Windows 7 / Windows 10 / Windows 11 系统。 汉印 HPRT TP805L 打印机参数: 打印方式:行式热敏打印 分辨率:203 DPI(8 dots/mm)
汉印 TP805L 驱动下载 - 驱动天空
产品类型:汉印hprt tp805l热敏票据打印机 打印方式: 热敏式 打印速度:250毫米/秒 最大宽度:72毫米 分辨率:203点/英寸(8点/毫米) 接口:usb,串口,网口 硬件id:usbprint\hprttp805l0f38
TP805L - hprt.com.tw
Support bitmap printing with different density and user defined bitmap printing. (Max size of each bitmap is 40 KB, the total size of bitmap is 256 KB) Roll Paper Diameter Max. Φ83 mm (O.D.)
HPRT TP-805L感熱式出單機(電子發票列印機廚房列印機出貨單列 …
HPRT TP-805L感熱式出單機(電子發票列印機廚房列印機出貨單列印機) - 感熱出單機, 櫃檯廚房兩用,可以當一般列印機 雙切刀專利技術,延長切刀壽命 支援電子發票列印,1D/2D皆可, 找HPRT TP-805L感熱式出單機(電子發票列印機廚房列印機出貨單列印機)推薦就來PChome 24h ...