Hraudung - Wikipedia
In Norse mythology, Hraudung was a human king and the father of Geirröd and Agnar according to the prose header of the poem Grímnismál from the Poetic Edda. Hraudung is also listed in the Skáldskaparmál section of the Prose Edda as both a giant and the name of a sea king .
Grímnismál: Texts and Translations - Germanic Mythology
[1] King Hraudung.— Much finds the historical sources of this legend in Hervarasaga and the story of Heidrik (Z.f.d.a 46, p. 309). [2] Rule the realm or land of the Goths, a name used in a general sense for warriors or a nation.
Agnarr Geirröðsson - Wikipedia
Agnarr (Old Norse: [ˈɑɣnɑrː]) is the son of King Gerriod, son of Hraudung in Norse mythology. He was named after his uncle Agnarr, who was betrayed by Gerriod and sent to die on the high seas. Agnarr is solely attested in the poem Grímnismál in the Poetic Edda, the latter compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources.
Grímnismál: Texts and Translations
King Hraudung had two sons, Agnar and Geirrod. Agnar was ten winters old and Geirrod eight when they went rowing in a boat to catch little fish. But the wind drove them out to sea. During the night they were wrecked on the shore; but they found a peasant with whom they spent the winter.
GRÍMNISMÁL (The Lay of Grímnir) | Poetic Edda - We Vikings
King Hraudung had two sons, one named Agnar, the other Geirröd. Agnar was ten, and Geirröd eight winters old. They both rowed out in a boat, with their hooks and lines, to catch small fish; but the wind drove them out to sea.
Hraudung - Wikiwand
In Norse mythology, Hraudung was a human king and the father of Geirröd and Agnar according to the prose header of the poem Grímnismál from the Poetic Edda.
Hrauðungr | Facts, Information, and Mythology - Encyclopedia …
2007年10月23日 · A giant listed among the jötnar in the Nafnaþulur section of Skáldskaparmál.
Nordiske Kongelige – Natsunivers
Hraudung: Dette var en konge og den biologiske far til drengene Agnar og Gejrrød. Efter drengene var drevet til havs blev de fundet af Frigg og Odin forklædt som bønder som hver opfostrede en af dem.
Hraudung - Wikiwand
In Norse mythology, Hraudung was a human king and the father of Geirröd and Agnar according to the prose header of the poem Grímnismál from the Poetic Edda. Hraudung is also listed in the Skáldskaparmál section of the Prose Edda as both a giant and the name of a sea king .
Hraudung - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
In Norse mythology, Hraudung was a human king and the father of Geirröd and Agnar according to the prose header of the poem "Grímnismál" from the "Poetic Edda ". Hraudung is also listed in the " Skáldskaparmál " section of the " Prose Edda " as both a giant and the name of a sea king .