Donate - The HRDC
During his time with the City of Bozeman, Ron saw the important role that HRDC has played in our community. Ron has seen that HRDC provides necessary social services to assure that all Bozeman residents could obtain housing, food, training, employment and …
Customer Appeal Form - The HRDC
HRDC customers may request a Customer Appeal to review decisions regarding behavioral incidents. Customers may submit their completed Customer Appeal Form at any HRDC facility or, in the instance a customer has been suspended from services, via mail to 32 S. Tracy Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59715 or email to [email protected] or complete online form below.
Gardiner Housing Project - The HRDC
HRDC has been working with the community of Gardiner to address local housing challenges for over ten years. When the opportunity arose to purchase developable land in 2020, HRDC secured … Gardiner Housing Project Read More »
HRDC Accelerates Opening of Livingston Warming Center
HRDC Press Release. LIVINGSTON, MT — HRDC is opening the Livingston Warming Center earlier than planned this winter, starting operations on December 20th to meet the urgent need for emergency shelter in Park County. The Warming Center will remain open through February 28th unless additional donations are received. Since its inception in 2019, the Livingston Warming …
City of Bozeman Affordable Homeownership Qualified Pool - The …
For notification about affordable homeownership opportunities in Gallatin and Park Counties please join the interest list. In partnership with the City of Bozeman, HRDC manages this list of of households interested in purchasing affordable homeownership opportunities built both by HRDC and homes built by developers as part of the City of Bozeman’s programming.
Disability Income Services - The HRDC
Disability Income Services SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) SSI/SSDI, Outreach, Advocacy, and Recovery (SOAR) is an evidence-based approach to assisting qualifying households experiencing homelessness and living with a disabling … Disability Income Services Read More »
Our Stories - The HRDC
Crystal is an HRDC team member at our Warming Center serving in the role of Outreach Coordinator. She is also a single mom, a college student pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Human Services, someone who formerly experienced homelessness with her two daughters, and someone who has worked very hard to improve her mental well-being and the overall well …
Homeless Prevention - The HRDC
During his time with the City of Bozeman, Ron saw the important role that HRDC has played in our community. Ron has seen that HRDC provides necessary social services to assure that all Bozeman residents could obtain housing, food, training, employment and …
Belgrade Service Area - The HRDC
Belgrade Community Profile In your community Belgrade HRDC exists to instill hope, develop resources, design solutions, and change lives. We aim to be a place where poverty has no impact … Belgrade Service Area Read More »
Housing Navigation Services - The HRDC
During his time with the City of Bozeman, Ron saw the important role that HRDC has played in our community. Ron has seen that HRDC provides necessary social services to assure that all Bozeman residents could obtain housing, food, training, employment and …