Established in 1987 the UGC-MMTTC/HRDC/ASC at AMU is one of the 66 ASCs in Universities all over India. It conducts courses for the newly appointed Assistant Professors for their orientation towards national values and training in the latest developments of their subjects by engaging experts and resource persons from the academia and industry.
UGC HRDC (Formerly known as Academic Staff College) | AMU
UGC - MMTTC (erstwhile HRDC originally Academic Staff College) Introduction. Established in 1987. UGC Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre at AMU is one of the 66 ASCs in Universities all over India. Since its inception it has been holding a …
Dr. Faiza Abbasi Director निदेनिका Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh UGC Human Resource Development Centre - 202002 (High Performer, as per a review of the Performance of HRDC’s by UGC)
AMU HRDC Aligarh
By train: on Delhi-Howrah main rail route. 88 Kms from Agra. 70 Kms from Mathura. Located at a short distance from Aligarh railway station and bus stand. Situated next to Aligarh Telephone Exchange/AMU Tibbiya Hospital. Weather in Aligarh. Pleasant from February to mid-April and October to mid- December.
UGC HRDC (Formerly known as Academic Staff College) - AMU
Training and Placement (General) Training and Placement (Z.H. College of Engineering and Technology) Training and Placement (Computer Science) Training and Placement (AMU Malappuram Centre)
UGC - Human Resource Development Centre
You are most welcome at the UGC Human Resource Development Centre, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. The AMU, is a historic institution that has been serving the cause of higher education since 1877, first as a College and then as a University since 1920. Your timetable will be uploaded soon on Google classroom.
UGC HRDC (Formerly known as Academic Staff College) - AMU
वि.वि.अ.आ. मानव संसाधन विकास केंद्र (पूर्व में अकादमिक स्टाफ कॉलेज
UGC HRDC (Formerly known as Academic Staff College)
UGC HRDC (FORMERLY KNOWN AS ACADEMIC STAFF COLLEGE) DEPARTMENT.HOME Colleges Ugc Hrdc (Formerly Known As Academic Staff College) ... (AMU Research scholars) (18 days) 25 . Dr. Faiza Abbasi. Director and Assistant Professor . DEPARTMENT.RELATED_LINKS. Home Page. Staff Members (teaching) Non Teaching Staff.
HRDC AMU Schedule Released Check through Direct link | HRDC AMU ...
2023年6月8日 · HRDC AMU Schedule 2023-24 Released: यूनिवर्सिटी ग्रांट्स कमीशन (UGC) ने यूजीसी-मानव संसाधन विकास केंद्र, अलीगढ़ मुस्लिम विश्वविद्यालय को अकादमिक सत्र 2023-24 के दौरान आयोजित होने वाले कई इंडक्शन, रिफ्रेशर और शॉर्ट-टर्म इंटरेक्शन और प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम आवंटित किए हैं.
Established in 1987 the UGC-HRDC/ASC at AMU is one of the 66 ASCs in Universities all over India. It conducts courses for the newly appointed Assistant Professors for their orientation towards national values and training in the latest developments of their subjects by engaging experts and resource persons from the academia and industry.