صندوق تنمية الموارد البشرية – هدف
نحو مستقبل واعد للكفاءات الوطنية! أحد منتجات برنامج دعم التدريب لتطوير المهارات العامة والمهارات التخصصية المهنية. سجل الآن واستفد من طرح فرص التدريب في منشأتك عبر منتجات برنامج التدريب على رأس العمل في عدة مجالات، دون تحمل أي تكاليف.
Human Resources Development Fund - Hadaf
Support training and qualification of national cadres, increase their competition and raise their efficiency in the labor market, and contribute to the development of their skills and knowledge and professional capabilities. A fund that focuses efforts on enabling job seekers, enhancing their opportunities, and developing their skills.
Saudi Human Resources Development Fund - Wikipedia
The Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF) [1] is a Saudi governmental authority that was established by a royal decree in July 2000. [2] It falls under the Saudi Ministry of Labor and Social Development. [3] HRDF is mainly concerned with providing financial support to organizations that train and qualify Saudis in the private sector. [4]
Human Resources Development Fund | Ministry of Human …
To develop and increase the employability of the National Human Resources through high-impact interventions offered in partnership with the key labor market stakeholders. Loading...
About HRDF
The Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF) was established by Council of Ministers No. 107 dated 29/04/1421 AH with the aim of supporting efforts to rehabilitate and employ the national workforce in the private sector. In order to achieve its goals, HRDF may:
صندوق تنمية الموارد البشرية
إنشاء صندوق تنمية الموارد البشرية بموجب قرار مجلس الوزراء الموقر رقم (107) بتاريخ 29/4/1421هـ والمرسوم الملكي الكريم رقم (م/18) بتاريخ 5/5/1421هـ بشخصيته الاعتبارية المستقلة إدارياً ومالياً، نتيجة رؤية واضحة لهدف سعودي استراتيجي يشكّل الوصول إليه تحدياً غير مسبوق، وهو توطين الوظائف في القطاع الخاص، فجاء إنشاؤه كأحد الآليات الفاعلة للمساهمة في تو...
HRDF - R Saudi
The Professional Certificates program, sponsored by the Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF), is designed to encourage the development of specialized skills among the national workforce, business organizations, and job seekers in Saudi Arabia. This initiative aims to enhance competencies required in key labor market sectors.
Human Resources Development Fund - HRDF - KSA | LinkedIn
بناء قوى عاملة وطنية مستدامة في المملكة العربية السعودية. مهاراتك المهنية ترتقي بك في سلم النجاح اكتسب الخبرات بانضمامك للتدريب عبر منتج #تطوير_الخريجين. #فرص_تصنع_الكفاءات للمزيد اطلع على دليل...
Human Resources Development Fund - NDF
The Human Resources Development Fund aims to focus efforts to raise the skills of national workforce by qualifying them and providing them with knowledge, and matching them with the needs of the labor market and jobs by providing businesses and services to beneficiaries, considering their needs and requirements.
HRDF Annual Report 2019
HRDF uses multiple channels to target employers and researchers to support the recruitment and training services to increase the Saudi workforce.