HRL Laboratories
One HRL Illustrates Culture and Spirit of Innovation. For more than 75 years HRL Laboratories has pushed the boundaries on what’s possible. Successful innovation fuels the company’s current growth and what started as a single Malibu laboratory is thriving with multiple locations diving into a wide variety of scientific disciplines.
HRL Laboratories | Careers | Current Openings
The lab affords the opportunity to collaborate with HRL’s world-class research staff in areas such as compound semiconductor devices, quantum devices, memristors, superconductors, photonic & optoelectronic devices, heterogeneous integration, analog & neuromorphic computing architectures, and mixed-signal systems.
HRL Laboratories - Wikipedia
HRL Laboratories (formerly Hughes Research Laboratories) is a research center in Malibu, California, established in 1960. Formerly the research arm of Hughes Aircraft, it is currently owned by General Motors Corporation and Boeing. It is housed in two large, white multi-story buildings overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
HRL Laboratories | About
HRL Laboratories pioneers the next frontiers of physical and information science. Delivering transformative technologies in automotive, aerospace and defense, HRL advances the critical missions of its customers to help them remove limitations and create competitive advantage.
HRL Laboratories, LLC - LinkedIn
HRL Laboratories pioneers the next frontiers of physical and information science. Delivering transformative technologies in automotive, aerospace and defense, HRL advances the critical...
HRL Laboratories | Quantum
At HRL Laboratories, we are at the forefront of quantum science and engineering, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in computing and networking. Our Expertise. HRL is a world leader in developing solid-state technology for quantum computing and networking. Our cutting-edge research spans:
HRL实验室有限公司 - 化工网录 | 免费收录企业信息
HRL Laboratories, LLC于1997年12月17日成立,于2000年9月12日获得首次专利。 自那时以来,我们已获得超过900项专利,并不断增加,我们对我们的有才华的研究小组感到自豪,他们继续着长期的创新技术卓越的传统。
HRL Laboratories | Open Innovation
Open Innovation customers collaborate with HRL to: Quickly demonstrate a technical concept by leveraging a mature R&D infrastructure (e.g. microfabrication, device design, test & analysis, high-performance computing) and professional staff from diverse engineering disciplines
HRL Laboratories | GTA3 2024
We plan to invite speakers who are experts in relevant research areas. Please see our past workshops for more information: https://ccni.hrl.com/workshop/archive
HRL Laboratories | Center for Additive Materials (CAM)
The Center for Additive Materials (CAM) has been established by HRL Laboratories, LLC to accelerate the development of high performance materials for additive manufacturing processes. With the rapid introduction of additive processes into more and more industries, the portfolio of materials available for 3D printing plays a key role in defining ...