Miroslav Hroch - Wikipedia
Prof. Miroslav Hroch (born 14 June 1932 in Prague) is a Czech historian and political theorist and a professor at the Charles University in Prague. [1] Hroch earned his PhD at the Charles …
Hroch obojživelný – Wikipedie
Hroch obojživelný (Hippopotamus amphibius) je velký sudokopytník z čeledi hrochovitých, adaptovaný k životu ve vodním prostředí. Vyskytuje se v Africe na jih od Sahary. Jeho …
Social Preconditions of National Revival in Europe - 豆瓣读书
2000年3月15日 · Miroslav Hroch develops and demonstrates empirically the concept of a three-stage process of nationalist mobilization: heightened cultural awareness of national …
GitHub - janoPig/HROCH: Extremly fast c++/python symbolic …
Extremly fast c++/python symbolic regression library based on parallel local search. - janoPig/HROCH
Symposium for Miroslav Hroch - Bakke - 2022 - Wiley Online Library
2022年5月22日 · Hroch posits that nationalist movements developed chronologically through Phases A, B and C.
Miroslav Hroch (born June 14, 1932), Czechoslovakian Republic
Professor Miroslav Hroch is a Czechoslovakian historian and political theorist and a professor at the Charles University in Prague.
Typologies and phases in nationalism studies: Hroch's A-B-C …
Miroslav Hroch, who intended his A-B-C phases to schematize non-state national awakening, also devised a taxonomy of nationalism. Hroch's work has influenced nationalism scholars mostly …
(PDF) Symposium for Miroslav Hroch - ResearchGate
2022年5月1日 · Hroch's work to research on national movements beyond the Ottoman Empire and Turkey. A striking example is the development of a typology of state-seeking nationalisms …
Miroslav Hroch - Academia.edu
Handel und Politik im Ostseeraum während des dreissigjährigen Krieges", Miroslav Hroch, Praha 1976 : [recenzja] / Andrzej Klonder
Miroslav Hroch
Miroslav Hroch. Home; Research; Contact; Biography. Born 1932, historian, until 2010 professor in General history, Charles University Prague, founded a Seminar in Comparative History …