NCHWTC – National Community Health Worker Training Center
The Center for Community Health and Aging's National Community Health Worker Training Center offers Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) certified training for CHW/Promotor (a) and CHW Instructors (CHWIs). We offer certification and continuing education units (CEUs) online and in-person in both English and Spanish.
Becoming a Community Health Worker | Texas DSHS
A Community Health Worker (CHW) or Promotor(a) de Salud is a person who, with or without compensation, helps connect people in their community with healthcare and social services. They understand the culture, language, and life experiences of the people they serve.
CHW Certification and Renewal | Texas DSHS
Explore the certifications, training and continuing education opportunities offered to community health workers. Find information on certification requirements.
Guide to Hiring and Training Community Health Workers
CHW training programs provide CHWs with the knowledge and skills they need to connect community members, patients and clients with high-quality care. These programs typically include coursework, clinical training, and certification. CHW certification is not always required, but it can be beneficial for CHWs who want to advance their careers.
FAQ: Community Health Worker Training Program (CHWTP)
At least 75% of trainees must be in the new CHW and other health support workers training program, and receive employment opportunity training through field placements. Of these, a minimum of 25% of the new trainees must be trained through a …
Community Health Worker Training Program | Texas Tech …
Core CHW Training . Interactive course that meets the TX DSHS required eight core competencies for CHWs; Sixteen-week commitment 40 hrs. per week includes: One Zoom class; Online learning via LMS; 30 hrs.
• Describe the CHW Core Competencies and their purpose • Define the two tracks for CHW certification and their respective requirements • Demonstrate where to find CHW certification application materials and resources • Articulate continuing education and renewal requirements for CCHWs in Kentucky After this training participants will be ...
Resources for Community Health Workers | Chronic Disease | CDC
Community health workers (CHWs) can help people manage chronic diseases and get the health services they need by breaking down barriers to care related to social determinants of health.
Training for CHW Certification . Option 1 - Class Instruction • Approved DSHS training program • 160 hours • Virtual and In-person learning options . Option 2 - Experience • 1000 cumulative hours of community health work services • Within last three (3) years. • Experience verified with the supervisor(s) noted in the application. OR
Our Mission: Stregthening capacity and building healthier communities through training well-equipped CHWs and Promotores. The CHW certification courses are utilized for interactive learning. Our certified CHW Instructor, Paula Saldaña, teaches this course.