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Book hotels with HRS and save up to 50%: Enjoy exclusive benefits as a myHRS member, free cancellation until 6 PM at many hotels, and earn miles & points.
HRS Group
Our Enterprise business is a travel management technology platform that enables Fortune 500 to make data-led decisions whilst choosing from the widest range of places to stay and work around the globe. Powered by our payment solutions and tailored to requirements, we’re pioneering a better way for business travel.
hrs.gmbh - Health Research Services
Health Research Services (HRS) GmbH is an independent contract research organisation offering specialist services in the areas of Consulting, Scientific Drug Research & Development, Project Management, Clinical Monitoring, Medical Writing, Biostatistics and Regulatory Affairs.
HRS Group – Wikipedia
Die HRS Group (HRS für Hotel Reservation Service) ist ein international tätiges Unternehmen der Touristikbranche mit Hauptsitz in Köln. [3] Es wurde 1972 von Robert Ragge gegründet und wird seit 2008 von Tobias Ragge geleitet. [4][5] Kern der HRS Group war die reine Vermittlung von Hotels an Privat- und Geschäftsreisende.
Hotel buchen: Mit HRS Hotels finden und entspannt geschäftlich …
Mit HRS Hotels buchen und bis zu 50 % sparen: Exklusive Vorteile für myHRS Mitglieder, kostenlose Stornierung bis 18 Uhr in vielen Hotels, Meilen & Punkte sammeln.
HRS - Hotel Reservation Service | Hotel booking online - find …
With over 300,000 hotels in all categories in more than 190 countries, HRS offers a huge range of hotels worldwide for both business and private travellers, allowing all customers to book their preferred hotel room and category quickly and easily.
About Us – Health Research Services - hrs.gmbh
Health Research Services (HRS) Ltd, founded in 2000, run offices in UK, Germany, Moscow, Kiev and Warsaw. HRS GmbH is an independent contract research organisation offering specialist services in the areas of Consulting, Scientific Drug Research & Development, Project Management, Clinical Monitoring, Medical Writing, Biostatistics and ...
HRS Group - LinkedIn
Founded in Cologne in 1972, the steadily expanding group of companies employs more than 850 people in more than 35 offices worldwide including Shanghai, Tokyo, Singapore, Paris, London, Warsaw,...
HRS GmbH – Health Research Services
Health Research Services GmbH offers to serve as the formal sponsor for medicinal product (=drug) designations and as the applicant for marketing authorisations for medicinal products in the EU. We may also act as regulatory consultancy for pharmaceutical companies not established in the EU and apply for SME status on their behalf. .
HRS GmbH Company Profile | Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, …
Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for HRS GmbH of Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.