Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) | Products | JEOL Ltd.
In May 1949, soon after the end of World War II, JEOL was established as a manufacturer of electron microscopes and launched transmission electron microscopes (TEM) for the first time in the world. JEOL continues to be a leading company and supplies the latest TEM to the front line of research activities as a leading company.
JEM-2100Plus Electron Microscope | Products | JEOL Ltd.
Achieving superior performance through intuitive operation, the JEM-2100Plus provides solutions to a wide range of applications from materials science to medical/biological studies. 64 bit Windows® compatible control software, TEM Center, is an intuitive user interface designed to maximize ease of operation.
Transmission Electron Microscopes | TEM - JEOL USA
JEOL is a world leader in the development and manufacture of leading edge, high performance, high stability Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEM). JEOL introduced its first TEM over 70 …
Transmission Electron Microscope (High Resolution) - University at Buffalo
The JEOL JEM 2010 is a high-resolution electron microscope with an accelerating voltage of 200KV, and a point resolution of 0.19 nm. Equipped with a 5-axis micro-active goniometer, the JEOL HRTEM enables micro-structural analysis for a variety of crystalline materials.
Transmission Electron Microscopy | Materials Science and …
2024年9月24日 · The JEOL 2100F is a transmission electron microscope (TEM) which is operated in both TEM and scanning-TEM (STEM) configurations. The JEOL 2100F is equipped with a 200 kV Schottky field emission gun, and a CEOS aberration corrector for the probe-forming optics to correct for aberrations up to the third-order.
Transmission Electron Microscope | LaB6 TEM | Supplier - JEOL …
The JEM-2100 Plus is a multipurpose 200kV LaB6 TEM that provides solutions for a wide range of applications from materials science to medical/biological studies, all at a low cost of ownership.
TEM用语集是透射电子显微分析方法的基本用语集,由日本东北大学名誉教授、日本电子技术顾问田中通义先生编修,涵盖了透射电子显微分析方法的理论、照射系、透镜系、样品室、检测系、真空系、分光分析、结晶、及图像处理等10个部分的用语解释,约750条。 JEOL News学报是JEOL学术性杂志(年刊),收录各领域使用JEOL设备获得高品质数据的优秀文章。 通过阅读这些文章,读者可以深入了解JEOL最新的技术和其在各个领域所取得的重要应用。 走进日本电 …
TEM: JEOL JEM-2100 | Electron Microscopy Core | NDSU
2024年12月4日 · This multipurpose analytical high-resolution transmission electron microscope (TEM) system for research, teaching, and research training in NDSU’s central multi-user microscopy facility was funded by a National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation grant (Award #0821655) to NDSU Distinguished Professor Kalpana Katti (Civil Engineerin...
高分辨透射电镜(HRTEM)广泛应用于纳米材料、催化剂、高分子材料、金属材料、半导体材料、地质矿物、生物医药等方面,可进行低倍形貌观察、高分辨成像。 材料晶体结构类型(选区电子衍射),配合能谱仪(EDS)可实现成份含量测定。 仪器型号:JEM-2100F生产厂家:日本电子JEOL主要技术指标:加速电压:200 KV分辨率:线分辨率0.10 nm,点分辨率0.19 nm放大倍 …
HRTEM - 百度百科
HRTEM是 透射电镜 的一种,将 晶面 间距通过明暗条纹形象的表示出来。 通过测定明暗条纹的间距,然后与 晶体 的标准 晶面间距 d对比,确定属于哪个晶面。 这样很方便的标定出晶面取向,或者材料的生长方向。 用HRTEM研究 纳米颗粒 可以通过结合高分辨像和 能谱 分析结果 来得到颗粒的结构和成分信息。 HRTEM (High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope )就是高分辨率的透射电镜,它只是分辨率比较高,所以一般透射电镜能做的工作它也能做,但高分辨电镜物 …
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