(SWAT-4)SWAT中水文响应单元划分(HRU)分析 - CSDN博客
2021年3月8日 · 其结构主要围绕响应单元(hru)进行设计,hru代表了流域内的相对均质区域,这些区域具有相同的水文特性,但可能在空间上离散分布,共享一套参数。 模型的核心内容包括以下几个方面: 1.
(PDF) Defining Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Hydrologic ...
2015年6月1日 · The hydrologic response unit (HRU) is the smallest spatial unit of the model, and the standard HRU definition approach lumps all similar land uses, soils, and slopes...
The hydrologic response unit (HRU) is the smallest spatial unit of the model, and the standard HRU definition approach lumps all similar land uses, soils, and slopes within a subbasin based upon user-defined thresholds.
Simulating the effect of subsurface tile drainage on watershed salinity ...
2022年3月31日 · Subsurface tile drains in areas with intensive agriculture can be a major contributor of salinity loadings to streams and rivers, as salts in soil and groundwater are transported into the tile drains. Modeling tools can be used to assess baseline conditions, quantify salt mass export, and assess management scenarios to decrease salt removal.
hru’ s with respect to topographic index and introducing a slope length that is small uphill and long downhill, swat can simulate the location of saturated areas well on soils with a restricting layer in humid climates
Evaluating the contribution of subsurface drainage to watershed water ...
2022年1月1日 · Hydrograph separation is used to compute the contribution of drainage to streamflow. Drainage outflow from artificial subsurface drains can be a significant contributor to watershed water yield in many humid regions of the world.
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Tile drains remove excess water for an area to optimize plant growth. Drains may be added at the beginning of the simulation in the .mgt file. To account for the installation of tile drains mid-simulation, the option was included as a schedulable operation. The variables which may be entered on the irrigation line are listed and described below
Hydrologic Response Units | SWAT+ Documentation - GitBook
If regular HRUs are used in a SWAT+ setup, there is one main file, hru-data.hru, which references several other files specifying the HRU properties. The properties of HRU-lte objects are …
Hydrological Model J2000 - ILMS-Wiki - Friedrich-Schiller …
The water transfer between the HRUs are seen as n:1 relation. Thus, an HRU can have several influxes but only one discharge. The order of the HRUs as receivers is determined by the topologic ID of the HRU dataset. In the HRU dataset it is also determined which HRUs finally drain in the receiving stream.
Water routing - Adding lakes - QGIS Interface for SWAT+: …
Upslope HRU drain % When a floodplain is included in calculating LSUs and HRUs, HRUs in upslope LSUs have their outflowing water routed by default 90% to the channel (or reservoir or pond if the channel forms one) and 10% to the floodplain LSU.
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