Veriflex CY Cable – YSLCY HSLCH Control | Eland Cables
CY cables, also known as screened flexible cables or by their European designation YSLCY (PVC sheathed) and HSLCH (LSZH sheathed), form part of Eland Cables' Veriflex portfolio. CY PVC and CY LSZH cables are used in control equipment for assembly and production lines, conveyors, and computer units.
production lines, and flexible applications with free movement without tensile load. Suitable for use in dry, ambient and wet rooms. The screen protects against external interference pulses …
Veriflex CY LSZH (HSLCH) Control Cable - engelecgroup.com
CY cables, also known as screened flexible cables or by their European designation YSLYCY (PVC sheathed) and HSLHCH (LSZH sheathed), are used as interconnecting cables for …
HSLCH LSZH 低烟无卤阻燃控制耐油耐磨耐寒屏蔽电缆-上海蔚晨 …
Veriflex CY LSZH (HSLCH)低烟无卤柔性屏蔽控制电缆工具机械中的仪表和控制设备,生产线和具有自由移动功能的灵活应用程序没有拉伸载荷。 适用于干燥、环境和潮湿环境房间。
CY (YSLCY/HSLCH) Control Cable
CY cables, also known as screened flexible cables or by their European designation YSLCY (PVC sheathed) and HSLCH (LSZH sheathed), are used as interconnecting cables for measurement, control, or regulation in control equipment for assembly and …
) Application Collectively screened, zero halogen control cable with improved fire characteristics for various. applications. Zero halogen cables are suitable for installation in environments where smoke and toxic fumes may threaten life or valua.
CY Cable –Multicore YSLCY HSLCH Control Cable- HuaDong …
CY cables, also known as screened flexible cables or by their European designation YSLCY (PVC sheathed) and HSLCH (LSZH sheathed), are used as interconnecting cables for measurement, control or regulation in control equipment for assembly and …
Our world-class testing facility assures the quality and compliance of this cable through a continuous and rigorous testing regime. We are on a journey to Net Zero.
CH) Multicore Application The low smoke halogen-free flexible screened cable for instrumentation and control equipment in tooling machinery, production lines, and flexible applications with free move. ent without tensile load. Suitable for use in d. y, ambient and wet rooms. The screen protects against external interference pulses for inter.
供应欧标低烟无卤控制电缆 HSLHCH /HSLCH阻燃无卤屏蔽电缆
这是供应欧标低烟无卤控制电缆 HSLHCH /HSLCH阻燃无卤屏蔽电缆的详细页面。 品牌:aiyinbeike,产品认证:CE,适用范围:无卤屏蔽柔性连接电缆用于在机械工程中用于仪表和控制 设备和工具机械生产线;,3C证书编号:2017010105026690,是否专供外贸:否,规格型 …