High Survivability Test Vehicle (Lightweight) - Wikipedia
The High Survivability Test Vehicle (Lightweight) (HSTV(L)) was a U.S. Army light tank manufactured by AAI Corporation. It was developed under the Tank-automotive and Armaments Command (TACOM) Armored Combat Vehicle Technology (ACVT) program.
High Survivability Test Vehicle – Lightweight (HSTV-L)
2021年8月13日 · Developed alongside the High Mobility and Agility (HIMAG) testbed, the HSTV-L was designed to operationally test the concept of using speed to enhance a vehicle’s survivability instead of armor. It was also used to test a number of emergent tank technologies, chief of which was an automatic main gun.
HSTV(L)的兄弟们——“RDF/LT”(快速部署部队轻型坦克) …
2023年7月6日 · 轻型高生存能力试验车(hstv-l) 是在密歇根州沃伦市美国陆军坦克汽车司令部装甲战车技术tacom项目经理的指导下开发的。 在现场测试之后,HSTV(L)又被投入(车辆)火灾控制和(炮塔)稳定性能的实验。
新时代的尝试——HSTV-L - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2020年5月8日 · 本次的主角“HSTV-L”(高生存性实验车辆)便是这个计划中的一份子,她在1980年完工,采用特殊的铝合金装甲,使用了与”HIMAG”(高机动性实验车辆)同样的75mm ARES XM274 自动装填滑膛炮,主要发射APDSFS和HE,同时还拥有两支7.62mm机枪,一支为同轴机枪,一支为高射机枪。 炮塔中安装的猎歼系统能够连续旋转360°,而不受炮塔旋转影响,同时每个瞄具都具有着前视红外的功能。 炮手的主要瞄具集成了CO2激光测距仪,火控系统通过 …
轻型高生存力试验车 - 百度百科
美国1972年开始的装甲战斗车辆技术(acvt)计划的第二个内容是轻型高生存力试验车(hstv-l)。 通过对该车的试验,探索2或3名乘员的车辆在各种环境下执行任务的能力,评价车辆火控、稳定装置的作用以及收集比高机动性和敏捷性试验车更轻的车辆(16~20t)的工程数据。
轻坦最优解:HSTV-L轻型坦克 - 哔哩哔哩
hstv一级装弹机为一6发转盘,直接向转膛供弹。 二级装弹机则搭载了20发备用弹药,可以向6发转盘自动补弹。 在HSTV的后续版本RDF/LT 上,总弹药容量则增加到 60 发。
High Survivability Test Vehicle - Lightweight - HSTV-L - GlobalSecurity.org
2019年2月27日 · HSTV-L was a a test bed that closely resembled, from the crew's point of view, a lightweight armored combat vehicle of the type that might be fielded by the Army or Marine Corps. HSTV-L testing...
HSTV-L - War Thunder Wiki
The High Survivability Test Vehicle – Lightweight (HSTV-L) is a light gun system testbed developed in the late 1970s as part of the larger joint U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps – Advanced Anti-Armour Vehicle Evaluation (ARMVAL) program, which aimed to explore concepts for future armoured fighting vehicles with a focus on lightweight ...
The sole High Survivability Test Vehicle Lightweight (HSTV-L ... - Reddit
Completed in 1979, the HSTV-L was designed to operationally test the merits of using speed, low silhouette, and high obliquity armor to protect a vehicle. It was armed with the L/72 XM274 75mm automatic cannon, designed by Eugene Stoner of Ares Incorporated.