HT46R23 Datasheet(PDF) - Holtek Semiconductor Inc
The HT46R23/HT46C23 are 8-bit, high performance, RISC architecture microcontroller devices specifically designed for A/D applications that interface directly to analog signals, such as those from sensors. The mask version HT46C23 is fully pin and functionally compatible with the OTP version HT46R23 device. Features • Operating voltage:
HT46x23 有两种振荡方式外部RC振荡和外部晶体振荡可以通过掩膜选项设定不管选用哪一种振荡方式其信号都可以做为系统时钟HALT模式会停止系统振荡器并忽视任何外部信号以降低功耗如果选用外部RC 振荡方式在OSC1 与VSS之间需要接# *( !+(一个外部电阻其阻值为30kΩ 到750kΩ 而OSC2上会输出系,)!"
23 bidirectional I/O lines (max.) The device is an 8-bit high performance RISC-like microcontroller designed for multiple I/O product appli-cations. It is particularly suitable for use in products such as washing machine controllers and home appli-ances. A HALT feature is included to reduce power con-sumption.
ht46r23/ht46c23 是8 位高性能精简指令集单片机,专门为需要a/d 转换的产品而设计,例如传感 器信号输入。 掩膜版本HT46C23 与OTP 版本HT46R23 引脚和功能完全相同。
HT46R23单片机中文资料.pdf 52页 - 原创力文档
2017年5月29日 · 掩膜版本 HT46C23 与 OTP 版本 HT46R23 引脚和功能完全相同。 低功耗、I/O 使用灵活、可 2 编程分频器、计数器、振荡类型选择、多通道 A/D 转换、脉冲测量功能、I C 通信、暂停和唤醒功能,使 这款单片机可以广泛应用于传感器的 A/D 转换、马达控制、工业控制、消费类产品等系统中。
HT46R23 | Micron | Microcontrollers | 亮辰科技
General Description The HT46R23/HT46C23 are 8-bit, high performance, RISC architecture microcontroller devices specifically designed for A/D applications that interface directly to analog signals, such as those from sensors.
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HT46R23 datasheet - A/D Type 8-Bit OTP MCU The HT46R23…
The HT46R23/HT46C23 are 8-bit, high performance, RISC architecture microcontroller devices specifically designed for A/D applications that interface directly to analog signals, such as those from sensors. The mask version HT46C23 is fully pin and functionally compatible with the OTP version HT46R23 device.
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HT46R23 Datasheet, Holtek Semiconductor Inc
HT46R23 Description The device is an 8-bit high performance RISC-like microcontroller designed for multiple I/O product applications. It is particularly suitable for use in products such as washing machine controllers and home appliances.