Johnny and Luther Htoo - Wikipedia
Johnny Htoo and Luther Htoo (pronounced ' too', 'H' is silent; born c. 1988) are twin brothers who jointly led the God's Army guerrilla group, a splinter group of the Karen National Union, in …
“子弹打不中我们”:缅甸双胞胎被战争改变的一生 - 纽约时报中文网
2020年10月13日 · 缅甸勃固——约翰尼·托 (Johnny Htoo)躺在水泥地上,视线没有焦点。 小时候同孪生兄弟路德 (Luther)一起指挥上帝军 (God’s Army)时,约翰尼以能看见别人看不见的东西 …
‘We Were Bulletproof’: As Child Soldiers Grow ... - The New York Times
2020年10月12日 · His soldiers, men hardened from one of the world’s most enduring civil wars, believed that Johnny and Luther Htoo could magically shield them from bullets — child …
Myanmar's 'God's Army' guerrilla twins reunite; 1 seeks new ... - Fox News
2013年11月2日 · Johnny and Luther Htoo, who grabbed headlines more than a decade ago as 12-year-old twins leading a small band of anti-government guerrillas in Myanmar, were …
2020年10月13日 · 小時候同孿生兄弟路德 (Luther)一起指揮上帝軍 (God’s Army)時,約翰尼以能看見別人看不見的東西聞名。 他手下的士兵經歷了世界上最持久的內戰後變得更加強悍,他們 …
2020年10月13日 · The Htoo twins came from a family that farmed the land and fashioned homemade bullets for hunting. Myanmar army offensives forced them into the forests along …
Briefly, Myanmar’s ‘God’s Army’ Twins Reunite
2013年11月3日 · SANGKHLABURI, Thailand — As children, the twins Johnny and Luther Htoo were bulletproof and invulnerable to land mines — or so went the story that briefly made them …
‘God’s Army’ twins reunite and seek comrades | News
2013年11月2日 · Luther Htoo, left, and his brother Johnny at their jungle camp in Myanmar and 14 years later in western Thailand. When they were kids, the twins were bulletproof and …
The Twin Terrors - TIME
2000年2月7日 · Together, the legendary 12-year-old Htoo twins control God’s Army, a nominally Christian force of 200 Karen hill tribesmen in the mountainous rainforests of Burma near the …
Myanmar's famous 'God's Army' twins reunite, seek comrades
2013年11月2日 · This combination of Dec. 6, 1999 and Sept. 26, 2013 photos shows Luther Htoo, left, and his brother Johnny at their jungle camp in Myanmar and 14 years later in western …