帅兔社区是一个同性情感交流社区,提供同志交友、情感倾诉和闲谈交流,以及中老年同志图片、同志小说、同志文化等同性爱 ...
DeviantArt - The Largest Online Art Gallery and Community
DeviantArt is where art and community thrive. Explore over 350 million pieces of art while connecting to fellow artists and art enthusiasts.
Blackred view by HTZ on DeviantArt
2007年4月5日 · Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Literature. Submit your writing. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Commission. Get paid for your art. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. Poll. Ask the community.
HTZ designs automated liquid handling instruments for a wide variety of laboratories and supplies systems on both an OEM basis and via its distributor network. Our mission is to supply reliable, cost-effective solutions to automate the most labour intensive stages of any process involving liquid handling and to provide you with the highest ...
Htz by infernadius on DeviantArt
2022年3月24日 · Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Literature. Submit your writing. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Commission. Sell custom creations. Offer one-of-a-kind creations to people who love your style. Poll. Ask the community.
HTZ Communications -Radio network planning and optimisation …
HTZ Communications offers advanced radio network planning and optimisation capabilities for almost every technology from a few kHz to 1 THz. This integrated solution manages the entire radio planning lifecycle.
Sonic 2 Hacking Guide Binary - Art Editing
Binary - Art Editing. This will allow you to modify sprites and tiles in the game. When dealing with the standard Sega 4-bit format, each byte represent 2 pixels. So, if you have something like 43, 4 would be the first pixel and 3 would be the second. This concludes that art is limited to 16 colors. Remember that sprites are edited horizontally.
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3D Art, Character Design, Digital Art, Maxon Cinema 4D, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Wacom Tablet, Pixologic Zbrush, Substance 3D Painter Kathy Herb People with a similar taste