KhTZ-16 - Wikipedia
The KhTZ-16 (Russian: ХТЗ-16) (after the Kharkiv Tractor Factory; Ukrainian: Харківський Тракторний Завод) was a Soviet improvised fighting vehicle of the Second World War, built on the chassis of an STZ-3 tractor. [1]
2017年2月3日 · htz-16的独特之处不仅在于它最有可能是历史上最庞大的装甲拖拉机,而且还在于即兴战车通过了一个完整的测试程序(跑步和射击)。 是的,军方并不热衷于装甲拖拉机,但这并不奇怪,尤其是在战前发射T-34和KV坦克的国家。
无奈的选择:HTZ-16武装拖拉机 - 哔哩哔哩
htz-16武装拖拉机. 从第一眼看上去,这玩意它跟军事车辆似乎没有任何关系,如果粘上泥土,它完完全全就是砖厂里的拖拉机,没错,但它就是军事车辆,而且这东西它上过战场。
KhTZ-16 - Tank Encyclopedia
2015年5月3日 · The Kharkov (HTZ) and Stalingrad (STZ) tractor factories were ordered to produce these improvised fighting vehicles. However, STZ was unable to start work on the vehicle because they were experiencing supply problems.
拖拉机の王道征途:ZIS-30及其他同类苏联自行火炮【翻译】 - 哔 …
2016年12月19日 · 跟htz-16装甲牵引车不同的是,火炮被移到了一侧,使用了半开放式战斗室。 前装甲为倾斜的20mm厚钢板。 全车重8.5吨,最高速度为20-30km/h。
HTZ-16: Improvisation on an Industrial Scale - Tank Archives
2017年2月13日 · Less mobile than wheeled armoured cars, they were not in high demand in Spanish conditions. WWII triggered a resurgence of improvised armoured vehicles. The USSR built the largest amount of armoured tractors, and one of them, the HTZ-16, was accepted into production and built on an industrial scale. On July 20th, this vehicle turned 75 years old.
Soviet Tractor Tanks - Tank Archives
2013年5月4日 · Unlike with the NI, the HTZ-16 was set to be mass-produced, but problems with supplies limited the total production run to 60 at Kharkov and 30 at Stalingrad. At least one tank made it through the war and returned to its life as a tractor.
Category : KhTZ-16 - Wikimedia
KhTZ-16 in the Museum of The History of Ukraine in World War II (4 F) Media in category "KhTZ-16" The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total.
HTZ-16 – Vikipeedia
HTZ-16 (ukraina ja vene keeles ХТЗ-16) oli improviseeritud soomusmasin (soomustraktor), mida ehitati Nõukogude liidus Teise maailmasõja ajal HTZ-3 traktorite põhjal. Erinevalt NI Tankist , mille relvastus asus pöörlevas tornis, oli HTZ-16-e 45 mm …
HTZ-16 - wiki7.org
T-16 (KhTZ) oder KhTZ-16 - Ersatz - selbstfahrende Geschütze ( gepanzerter Traktor ), hergestellt 1941 in der Anfangszeit des Großen Vaterländischen Krieges im Traktorenwerk Kharkov. Es war ein angepasstes Fahrgestell eines landwirtschaftlichen Raupentraktors zum Umbau in einen improvisierten Panzer, obwohl es eher zu einem ...