241021 文献泛读 AT2 / AT1 - 知乎
文章研究了 机械力量 如何决定肺泡上皮细胞的分化,特别是如何影响肺泡I型细胞(AT1)和肺泡II型细胞(AT2)的形成。 主要内容和发现: 机械力量对AT1细胞分化的重要性: 研究发现,胎儿吸入羊水产生的机械力量对于AT1细胞的分化至关重要。
2023年3月20日 · Additional Tier 1,即额外一级资本债券,是在全球金融危机后欧洲监管架构下设计的产物,是一种可计入银行监管资本的次级债务。 除了持有更多的普通股本外,大型银行还被迫发行“或有可转换债券”(Contingent Convertible Bonds,即 Cocos债券)。 这些Cocos债券最常见的形式就是AT1。 “可转换”是因为它们可以从债券转换为股权(或完全减记),而“或有”则是因为这种转换只有在满足某些触发条件时才会发生,比如发行银行的资本实力低于预先确定的触发水 …
Blockade of AT1 receptor partially restores vasoreactivity, NOS ...
The present study intended to identify the effects of blockade of angiotensin II (ANG II) type 1 (AT (1)) receptors with losartan on vascular reactivity, nitric oxide synthase (NOS) expression, and superoxide anion (O (2) (*-)) levels in 3-wk HU rat cerebral and carotid arteries.
Synthetic Antibody Libraries Focused Towards Peptide Ligands
2008年5月2日 · The most notable difference is the presence of a His at position 98 of Hu:NPY1 compared to Gly in Hu:NPY2. We note that Hu:NPY1 may have been selected in part because it is very well expressed resulting in a yield of 4.8 mg/L of purified protein, more than 15-fold better than what was obtained with Hu:NPY2 (0.3 mg/L).
Molecular basis of inhibition of the amino acid transporter B
2024年8月22日 · Mouse models have demonstrated that lack of B 0 AT1 can normalize elevated plasma amino acids in rare disorders of amino acid metabolism such as phenylketonuria and urea-cycle disorders, implying...
Science重磅:中国科学家首次发现编码Gγ蛋白的AT1耐盐碱基因, …
在GWAS分析结果的基础上,研究团队对37个不同盐碱耐性高粱品种的 SbAT1 (Sorghum bicolor AT1)基因的cDNA区域进行了测序。 根据与高粱盐碱耐性相关的五个主要变异位点,确定了 SbAT1的两个典型单倍型 (Hap1和Hap2)。 Hap1编码一个完整的SbAT1。 Hap2中的一个框架转换突变(从"G "到"GGTGGC")产生了一个提前终止密码子,很可能导致编码 一个N端只有136个氨基酸的截断蛋白(命名为Sbat1)。 (图2C、D) 为了证实 AT1 基因座的功能,研究团队发 …
<br>抑制氨基酸转运蛋白 B0AT1 的分子基础 (SLC6A19),Nature …
上皮中性氨基酸转运蛋白 B 0 AT1 (SLC6A19) 是中性氨基酸在肠道中吸收及其在肾脏中重吸收的主要转运蛋白。 小鼠模型已经证明,缺乏 B 0 AT1 可以使罕见氨基酸代谢紊乱(如苯丙酮尿症和尿素循环紊乱)中升高的血浆氨基酸正常化,这意味着它们的治疗方法是一 ...
Molecular basis of inhibition of the amino acid transporter B0AT1 ...
2024年8月22日 · The epithelial neutral amino acid transporter B<sup>0</sup>AT1 (SLC6A19) is the major transporter for the absorption of neutral amino acids in the intestine and their reabsorption in the kidney. Mouse models have demonstrated that lack of B<sup>0</sup>AT1 can normalize elevated plasma amino acids in …
Therapeutic benefit of mesenchymal stem cells in pregnant rats …
This study aimed to investigate the biological function of human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells (HU-MSCs) for the treatment of angiotensin receptor agonistic autoantibody (AT1-AA)-induced hypertension during pregnancy. HU-MSCs were isolated, cultured, and labeled in vitro. AT1-AA and HU-MSCs were administered to pregnant rats.
Generation of human alveolar epithelial type I cells from …
2023年1月19日 · Here we report the in vitro generation of cells expressing the molecular and functional phenotypes of human AT1s via differentiation of iAT2s. We first profile human lung explant tissues at single cell resolution using RNA-sequencing to identify potential AT1-selective marker gene-sets and AT1-enriched signaling pathways.