fnlckik (Farkas Norbert) · GitHub
fnlckik has 7 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
National Forces of Liberation - Wikipedia
The National Forces of Liberation (French: Forces nationales de libération, or FNL) is a political party and former rebel group in Burundi.
Anran Hu 胡安然
I am an assistant professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research. I work at the intersection of stochastic control, game theory, optimization and machine learning.
GitHub Pages - Guangneng HU
胡光能博士一直从事自然语言处理和机器学习的研究,以一作身份发表CCF推荐论文近十篇,包括IJCAI,WWW,EMNLP,CIKM,NAACL,ACM TKDD等。长期担任国际顶级学术期刊与会议的审稿人与程序委员50余次,包括ACL/EMNLP, ICML/NeurIPS/ICLR, AAAI/IJCAI, SIGKDD/CSCW,IEEE TPAMI等。 招收硕士研究生:i) 学术型研究方向:0835 软件工程; ii)专业型研究方向:0854 电子信息(085404计算机技术 085405软件工程)。 对科研和发表论文感 …
About - Lei Hu’s Homepage
Hi! I am Lei Hu (胡磊), the second year Ph.D. student of Cell Biology Lab (细胞生物学实验室) at School of Life Sciences Westlake University, advised by chair professor Hongtao Yu.
2020年4月16日 · 在Home的 Dataset Search框中输入FNL,记得左上角登陆账号,不登录是看不了以下页面的。 选第一个 点进去,选Description。 …
Xuekun Fang's homepage - NILU
Here Description for retrieval of meteorological NCEP Final Analysis (FNL) data and running modified FLEXPART (called FLEXPART FNL version) using FNL data. Here are the instructions about downloading FNL data: 1. Go to website: http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds083.2/ 2. Log in with your ucar account, or create one for free. 3.
CIPT lab-Hu group at UW-Madison
Welcome to Hu CIPT lab at UW-Madison! The ultimate goal of our laboratory is to leverage the delivery approach to address current clinical challenges and facilitate translational research by combining cell therapy, immunotherapy, and personalized therapy.
USTC - 功能纳米材料实验室
中国科大提出Ru基催化剂在碱性氢氧化反应中抗高电位失活新策... 英国伦敦,2024年11月19日——科睿唯安今天发布2024年度“全球高被引科学家”名单,遴选全球高校、... 中国科大提 …
Renjun Hu's Homepage
Currently, I am employed as an algorithm engineer at Alibaba Group since July 2020, focusing on developing robust machine learning methodologies and evaluating large language models.