Juejun Hu - Google Scholar
L Bi, J Hu, P Jiang, DH Kim, GF Dionne, LC Kimerling, CA Ross. Nature Photonics 5 (12), 758-762, 2011. 1050: 2011: Fabrication of single‐crystalline silicon nanowires by scratching a …
Juejun (JJ) Hu | MIT Materials Research Laboratory
His primary research interest is enhanced photon-matter interactions in nanophotonic structures. Prior to joining MIT, he was an Assistant Professor at the University of Delaware from 2010 to …
Hu Juan
I’m a Research Fellow at National University of Singapore working under the mentorship of Prof. Terence Sim. My research involves AIGC forensic, such as Deepfake detection. I received the …
Hu Research Lab - University of California, Los Angeles
We attribute the high thermal management performance of BAs and BP to their unique phonon band structures and interface matching. Thermal management for wearable electronics and …
Junhui Hu - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
J Hu, J Yang, J Xu. Applied physics letters 85 (24), 6042-6044, 2004. 50: 2004: Acoustofluidic multi-well plates for enrichment of micro/nano particles and cells. P Liu, Z Tian, N Hao, H …
胡剑,博士,二级教授,硕士生导师,主要研究方向为纳米金属材料、金属材料表面工程等,以第一/通讯作者在《Science》等国际著名期刊上发表10余篇SCI论文,取得了一系列原创性研究 …
JU HU (胡岠) - Home
I am an associate professor in the National School of Development at Peking University. Prior to joining the National School of Development, I received my Ph.D. in economics from the …
Junjie Hu - Google Scholar
RS Depetris, J Hu, I Gimpelevich, LJ Holt, RJ Daly, SR Hubbard. Molecular cell 20 (2), 325-333, 2005. 126: 2005: The dynamin-like GTPase Sey1p mediates homotypic ER fusion in S. …
Jing Hu Associate Professor of Computer Science - fandm.edu
my recent research focuses on problems such as prediction of protein functions and functional sites, identification of deleterious SNPs and indels, and drug repositioning. 30. Hu J. and Du …
Juhua Hu (Ju-Hua Hu, 胡菊花) - Google Scholar
Proceedings of the 2024 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM … How can I index my thousands of photos effectively and automatically? An unsupervised feature selection …
Junhua Hu - Google Scholar
J Hu, O Broennimann, A Guisan, B Wang, Y Huang, J Jiang. Scientific reports 6 (1), 32624, 2016. 53: 2016: Sino‐Himalayan mountains act as cradles of diversity and immigration centres in the …
Jiangyong Hu - Google Scholar
NH Tran, T Urase, HH Ngo, J Hu, SL Ong. Bioresource technology 146, 721-731, 2013. 524: 2013: A new method for characterizing denitrifying phosphorus removal bacteria by using …
Jing Hu - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
J Hu, W Jia, X Wu, H Zhang, Y Wang, J Liu, Y Yang, S Tao, X Wang. Environmental Science: Nano 9 (4), 1530-1540, 2022. 45: 2022: Physiological Effects and Fluorescence Labeling of …
JiLiang HU - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
Substrate stiffness of endothelial cells directs LFA-1/ICAM-1 interaction: A physical trigger of immune-related diseases? J Hu, Y Li, Y Hao, T Zheng, G Parada, H Wu, S Lin, S Wang, X …
HU, Jing_School of Life Sciences,Peking University - pku.edu.cn
Jing Hu, Ph.D., joined School of Life Science at Peking University and the Peking-Tsinghua Center for Life Sciences as a Principle Investigator in 2023. Dr.
成果及论文 - 可持续功能高分子与材料实验室
可持续功能高分子与材料实验室 北京化工大学 软物质科学与工程高精尖创新中心
热容量的单位焦耳 (J)和热单位 (Hu)的关系是 …
热容量的单位j和hu的关系是 a.1hu=1.414jb.1hu=0.4jc.1hu=0.9jd.1hu=0.71je.1hu=1.0j
Assoc Prof Hu Jiancheng - National Cancer Centre Singapore
Dr Hu Jiancheng is currently the Principal Investigator/ Associate Professor in Laboratory of Cancer Signaling, Division of Cellular and Molecular Research, National Cancer Centre …
Hashemite University
The Hashemite University (HU) is a governmental university that was established by a Royal Decree in 1991. It is located 25 km northeast of Amman, near a major international highway, …
Jianqi Hu - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
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