黄山,古称 黟山,位于 安徽省 黄山市 境内,地处 安徽省 南部、 黄山市 北部,地跨 歙县 、 休宁县 、 黟县 和 黄山区 、 徽州区,东起黄狮岭,西至小岭脚,北始二龙桥,南达 汤口镇,地跨 东经 118°01′至118°17′、 北纬 30°01′至30°18′,山境南北长约40千米,东西宽约30千米,总占地面积约1200平方千米,属 亚热带季风气候;以奇松、怪石、云海、温泉、冬雪“五绝”及历史遗存、书画、文学、传说、名人“五胜”著称于世,有“天下第一奇山”“天开图画”“松海云川”之称。 [3] [6-8] …
Huangshan - Wikipedia
Huangshan is a frequent subject of traditional Chinese paintings and literature, as well as modern photography. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of China's major tourist destinations.
Huangshan Travel Guide, How to Plan a Trip to Visit Yellow …
Huangshan is steeped in picturesque natural landscapes and history. Marvel at the peculiarly-shaped rocks and pines on the Yellow Mountains, appreciate the ancient-styled dwellings in Xidi and Hongcun villages, then have a taste of Huangshan's most famous tea — maofeng tea (毛峰茶), one of China's top 10 teas.
Huangshan Travel Guide 2025 - China Discovery
Huangshan is home to UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Mt. Huangshan and Hongcun and Xidi, the ancient villages in Southern Anhui. It is one of the top destinations in China and you’d better cover it with Shanghai, Suzhou and Hangzhou in the east, or Jingdezhen, Wangxian Valley, Wugong Mountain, Wuyuan in the west. Yellow Mountain.
Huangshan Mountain China: Yellow Mountain Map, Hike
2025年3月13日 · Mount Huangshan in Anhui province, is famous for strange pines, absurd stones, sea of clouds and hot springs, so a 1 or 2-day Huangshan hike cannot be missed.
The Yellow Mountains: A Full Guide Is Here! - China Highlights
The Yellow Mountains, also called Huangshan (the Scenic Area, not the city or prefecture) is one of the most famous and beautiful mountainous areas in China. It was listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1990. Its spectacular natural scenery includes oddly-shaped pines and rocks and mystical seas of cloud.
Mount Huangshan - UNESCO World Heritage Centre
Mount Huangshan, often described as the “loveliest mountain of China”, has played an important role in the history of art and literature in China since the Tang Dynasty around the 8th century, when a legend dated from the year 747 described the mountain as the place of discovery of the long-sought elixir of immortality.
黄山旅游官方平台_提供“吃住行游购娱”一站式旅游产品和便捷智能 …
黄山 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
黄山 位于 中国 安徽省 南部 黄山市 境内,南北长约40公里,东西宽约30公里,山脉面积1200平方公里,核心景区面积约160.6平方公里,主体以 花岗岩 构成,最高处 莲花峰,海拔1864.8米。 黄山原名 黟 (yī) 山,因峰岩青黑,遥望苍黛而名。 后因传 轩辕黄帝 曾在此炼丹成仙, 唐玄宗 信奉 道教,故于 天宝 六年(公元747年)六月十七日改为“黄山”。 明朝 旅行家、地理学家 徐霞客 两次登临黄山,赞叹说:“ 五嶽 归来不看山,黄山归来不看嶽”。 徐霞客评黄山有“ 泰岱 之雄伟 …
Huangshan (Yellow Mountains) Facts - China Highlights
2020年12月10日 · Huangshan is a small city in East China near Shanghai, and the Yellow Mountains is a scenic area located 60 kilometers (40 miles) north of Huangshan city, but still within its prefectural jurisdiction.
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