Huck PAC
In 2008 I founded Huck PAC to promote conservative principles and help elect conservative candidates at every level of government. I believe that America is at a crossroads, and the choices we make in the coming years will determine the future of our country for generations.
About - Huck PAC
Huck PAC is committed to supporting and picking leaders who resemble the trees in the Bible story that don’t need or crave power but that have shown they bear good fruit. As it is said, by their fruits ye shall know them.
Our Endorsement Record - Blog - Huck PAC
In 2022, Huck PAC contributed $3,521,624 to 487 candidates and conservative causes. 348 Huck PAC-endorsed candidates won their races. Our candidates are committed to keeping our government’s promises to our veterans, seniors and hard-working Americans.
Donate - Huck PAC
Please support Huck PAC with a donation in the amount you can afford. Every dollar helps→
Huck PAC closes in on record-breaking $3 million investment
Today, Huck PAC is pleased to announce the support of these pro-life Republicans: Kelly Tshibaka for U.S. Senate $5,000 (AK) David Schweikert for U.S. House $5,000 (AZ-1)
This Governor approves of Huck PAC - Blog - Huck PAC
“HUCK PAC has been instrumental in helping hundreds of conservative candidates get elected around the country, including me. The financial support they give candidates encourages others to donate, the information they give to voters helps promote conservative policy, and the get out the vote effort they provide is making a huge difference.
The Democrats still have a chance to ruin everything!!! - Huck PAC
We weren’t expecting Huck PAC to have to come to the rescue of 3 more races immediately following the 2024 elections, but the Democrats see this as their chance to un-do what the American People overwhelmingly voted for in November.
Huck PAC endorses three gubernatorial candidates
Today, Huck PAC is pleased to announce the support of these pro-life Republicans: $5,000 Kelly Ayotte for Governor (NH)
Phone Bank - Huck PAC
Paid for by Huck PAC, Inc. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee www.huckpac.com
Help Huck PAC Support Pro-Life Conservatives - Huck PAC
Help Huck PAC Support Pro-Life Conservatives. Home / Help Huck PAC Support Pro-Life Conservatives; Candidate Support Goal. $2,007,550 Contributions Given So Far. $2,000,000 By Election Day. Donate Today. Stay Connected. Related Links; About; Endorsements; Donate; Blog; Remove Your Name; Paid for by Huck PAC, Inc.