HUGIN (AUV) - Kongsberg Discovery
The HUGIN AUV System is a multi-role vehicle capable of collecting high resolution data for commercial, scientific and defense applications. It is the most flexible AUV available on the market, capable of carrying a wide array of sensors, including synthetic aperture sonars, multi-beam echo sounders, cameras, lasers, sub-bottom profilers and ...
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, HUGIN Superior - Kongsberg
The Hugin Superior is the most capable AUV today. As a result the payload sensor suite is fixed. It includes HISAS 1032 dual receiver, EM2040 Mk2, camera, laser profiler, sub-bottom profiler, magnetometer plus sensors for methane, carbon dioxide, oxygen and more.
Kongsberg最新一代超大型AUV:HUGIN ENDURANCE - 知乎 - 知 …
HUGIN Endurance配备了最新一代耐压锂离子电池、冗余传感器、任务处理和Sunstone惯性导航系统,搭载HISAS微导航系统,能够比任何其他商用AUV收集更一致、更优质的数据。
HUGIN Edge (AUV) - Kongsberg Discovery
The HUGIN Edge is a next generation mid-size Autonomous Underwater Vehicle to join the HUGIN Family. Exceptional reliability, durability and performance has been drawn from the HUGIN, coupling ease of operations from uncrewed surface vessels to the most advanced AUV features on the market.
HUGIN Superior: a new AUV rated for 6,000m depth operations
2019年1月16日 · HUGIN Superior autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) is the latest addition to the HUGIN family of AUVs developed by Norwegian firm Kongsberg Maritime. Introduced in December 2018, the HUGIN Superior system provides enhanced data, positioning and endurance capabilities in various defence applications such as underwater survey, covert rapid ...
HUGIN Superior AUV completes acceptance test for the U.S. Navy
2025年2月24日 · KONGSBERG’s HUGIN Superior is a proven AUV system that has been in active use by both commercial and military customers since 2019. It provides immediate operational capability for Subsea and Seabed Warfare (SSW), Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment (IPoE), Mine Countermeasures (MCM), and inspection of …
‘The HUGIN is a fl exible, robust, hydrodynamic, stable, low-noise plat-form which provides a cost-effective alternative to conventional surface tow and ROV-mounted survey systems,’ said Karstein Vestgaard, Vice Presi-dent of Kongsberg’s AUV department. ‘The HUGIN 4500 will literally bring the concept to another level.’
2024年10月3日 · HUGIN-E 无疑是 HUGIN 潜航器系列中最为耀眼的最新产品。 它拥有令人惊叹的 8 吨水下排水量,庞大的身躯在海洋中犹如一个沉稳的守护者。 其长度达到了 11.88 米,修长的身形在水中穿梭自如,尽显优雅与灵动。 直径为 1.19 米的它,具备着强大的结构稳定性。 这款先进的潜航器能够在神秘莫测的水下连续潜航长达 15 天,在这漫长的时间里,它可以持续地进行各种探测、勘察任务,充分展现出其卓越的续航能力和可靠性。 无论是在深海的科学研究领域, …
自治无人水下机器人 - HUGIN - Kongsberg Maritime/康斯伯格海事
hugin 是目前最成功的商用自主潜水器 (auv)。 它将 IHO 质量定位与市场上分辨率最高的传感器相结合。 HUGIN 可同时从多个不同的传感器收集数据,通过一次任务提供全面的地球物理数据集。
“湖滨”水下机器人:挪威新型长续航潜航器 - 网易
2021年4月8日 · 湖滨长续航能力潜航器于2021年2月发布,是“湖滨”水下机器人 (HUGIN AUV)系列的最新款,它支持无人值守的岸上远程操作,并为商业运营提供了低碳排放。 该潜航器可用于一系列不同的任务,包括远程军事勘测、广域地雷探测、巡逻海上扼流圈以探测潜艇以及进行分类和识别。 湖滨长续航潜航器是由挪威海洋技术公司康斯伯格海事公司开发的下一代水下无人潜航器. 一、主要参数指标. 项目类型: 水下自主潜航器. 制造商: 康斯伯格海事公司. 长度: 10米. 下潜 …