Hui Hu @ Iowa State University
Lab Director: Dr. Hui Hu (PhD, U. Tokyo) Anson Marston Distinguished Professor in Engineering Martin C. Jischke Professor in Aerospace Engineering Director, Advanced Flow Diagnostics and Experimental Aerodynamics Laboratory Director, Aircraft Icing Physics and Anti-/De-icing Technology Laboratory
Hui Hu @ Iowa State University
09/25/2024: Dr. Hui Hu is induced to be a Distinguished Professor of Iowa State University, which is the highest academic honor of Iowa State University. Thanks for the hardworking of all the current and previous postdocs and graduate students over the past 20 years!
Hui Hu - Google 学术搜索
Anson Marston Distinguished Professor in Engineering, Iowa State University - 引用次数:11,016 次 - Experimental Fluid Dynamics - Aircraft Icing - Laser Diagnostics - Multiphase Flows - Wind Energy
回鹘 - 百度百科
回鹘(拼音:huí hú; 维吾尔文:ئۇيغۇر),是中国 少数民族 部落。 回鹘是 维吾尔族 祖先 [1],由回纥改名而来 [2-3]。 回鹘人是 游牧民族 地区最早过渡到城市生活的民族之一。 [4] 主要分布于 新疆,在 内蒙古 、 甘肃 、蒙古以及 中亚 的一些地区也有散居。 汉文史料中“回纥”一词来自古 回纥文,回纥之名来源于部落韦纥、 乌护。 回纥是 铁勒 诸部的一支, 韦纥 居住在土剌河北,乌护居住在天山一带。 其后统一铁勒诸部,回纥逐渐成为铁勒诸部的统称。 广德 元年(763年), …
Hui Hu - Google Scholar
Associate Professor, Swinburne University of Technology - Cited by 9,007 - Physics - Theoretical Physics - Condensed Matter Physics - Quantum Optics - Ultracold Quantum Gases
Hui Hu @ Iowa State University
Aircraft/aero-engine icing physics and innovative anti-/de-icing technology. Wind energy, wind turbine aeromechanics and wake interference. Bio-inspired flows, bio-inspired designs for micro-air-vehicle (MAV) applications. Low-speed aerodynamics, laminar boundary layer separation, transition and flow control.
Hui Hu Profile page - University of Alabama at Birmingham
Meet Hui Hu, Ph.D., an immunologist studying the transcriptional regulation of adaptive immunity in viral infections, allergy, and tumor models. His research interests include Tfh cell differentiation, germinal center and humoral responses, CD8+ T cell …
胡 慧,女,陕西汉中人,博士,教授,博士/硕士研究生导师,博士后合作导师。 河南省杰出青年基金获得者、河南省优秀青年科技专家、河南省高校科技创新人才,河南省动物性食品病原体监控重点实验室主任。 主要从事动植物检疫专业、兽医公共卫生专业的本科生教学工作,先后获得河南省本科毕业论文优秀指导教师、河南省大学生创新创业优秀指导教师、校最美教师、校优秀教师等 …
Hui Hu - Department of Aerospace Engineering, Iowa State …
Hui Hu, Professor, 爱荷华州立大学, Honors and Awards:, , Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award, Iowa State University, 2016, , Renewable Energy Impact Award, Iowa Energy Center, USA, 2014, , Best Paper in Ground Testing Technology Award, AIAA
aircraft icing physics and anti-icing/de-icing technology Archives ...
Hu, Hui Anson Marston Distinguished Professor in Engineering Martin C. Jischke Professor in Aerospace Engineering Associate Dept. Chair for Graduate Education Director, Aircraft Icing Physics & Anti-/De-Icing Technology Laboratory Director, Advanced Flow Diagnostics & Experimental Aerodynamics Lab
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