A High-Resolution Absolute-Dated Late Pleistocene Monsoon ... - Science
2001年12月14日 · The long-term Hulu trend (Fig. 1) appears to follow summer (integrated over June, July, and August) insolation (20, 21) at Hulu Cave (33°N), at least for a good portion of the record, suggesting that high summer insolation increases the continent-ocean temperature difference, enhancing the summer monsoon (2, 3).
Atmospheric 14C/12C changes during the last glacial period from Hulu Cave
2018年12月14日 · Paired measurements of 14 C/ 12 C and 230 Th ages from two Hulu Cave stalagmites complete a precise record of atmospheric 14 C covering the full range of the 14 C dating method (~54,000 years). Over the last glacial period, atmospheric 14 C/ 12 C ranges from values similar to modern values to values 1.70 times higher (42,000 to 39,000 years ago).
A high-resolution record of atmospheric 14C based on Hulu Cave ...
2012年2月6日 · The Hulu Cave site at Tang Shan in eastern China near Nanjing (32°30′N, 119°, 90 m asl), is overlain by 30–40 m of limestone, with 30–40 cm of soil consisting mainly of weathered carbonate debris with a <5 cm upper layer of clays and organic matter, that currently supports subtropical C3 vegetation (Kong et al., 2005). 80% of the ...
本研究利用中国南京葫芦洞的两支石笋首次将石笋Δ 14 C记录拓展至过去5.4万年,涵盖了 14 C测年方法的整个年龄范围。 该记录位于International Calibration2013(IntCal13)所采用的基本数据变化范围的中间值附近,具有很高的可信度。 对于老于30 ka BP的时段,新葫芦洞Δ 14 C记录与IntCal13有一定不同(见上图)。 本研究进一步证实了Δ 14 C的千年尺度变化主要受地磁场控制,例如两次著名的古地磁变弱事件(Mono Lake Excursion和Laschamp Event)均造成了Δ 14 …
Isotopic and magnetic proxies are good indicators of ... - Nature
2023年11月20日 · Speleothems from the Hulu and Sanbao caves have provided a high-resolution, well-dated record of EASM variability over the last 640 thousand years (kyr).
Millennial- and orbital-scale changes in the East Asian ... - Nature
2008年2月28日 · Here we present an EAM record from Sanbao cave, together with our previous Hulu records 1, 2, and characterize the complete CIS series for the last and penultimate interglacial–glacial cycles...
Wang et al. 2001 Hulu Cave Stalagmite Oxygen Isotope Data
Oxygen isotope records of five stalagmites from Hulu Cave near Nanjing bear a remarkable resemblance to oxygen isotope records from Greenland ice cores, suggesting that East Asian Monsoon intensity changed in concert with Greenland temperature between 11,000 and 75,000 years before the present (yr. B.P.).
Controls on the East Asian monsoon during the last glacial cycle, …
2009年12月1日 · Previous studies have suggested a sound chronological correlation between the Hulu Cave record (East Asian monsoon) and Greenland ice-core records, which implies a dominant control of northern hemisphere climate processes on monsoon intensity.
南京葫芦洞缺失现代沉积的一个重要原因: 盐效应?——与同一气 …
2012年1月7日 · For answering this question,the authors made monthly in-situ monitoring of hydrogeochemistry at Hulu Cave and another comparative cave,Penglaixian Cave (30°14'N,117°32'E) in Anhui Province which locates under the same climate conditions with Hulu Cave and possesses a large number of modern secondary carbonate deposits.To detect …
NOAA/WDS Paleoclimatology - Qingtian and Hulu Caves, China …
2024年1月19日 · This archived Paleoclimatology Study is available from the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), under the World Data Service (WDS) for Paleoclimatology. The associated NCEI study type is Cave. The data include parameters of speleothems with a geographic location of China, Eastern Asia.