地址:福建省福州市仓山区建新镇金山大道618号桔园洲工业区仓山园28座二层 闽ICP备19014198号-1 联系电话:0591-83767913 邮箱:[email protected]
Pump Manufacturer | Submersible Pump Manufacturer | Global
HOMA manufactures only submersible pumps and motors, so you are assured of expert quality, workmanship, and service. HOP.SEL is a valuable tool in finding the right HOMA product for your pump application. HOP.SEL provides an interactive catalog and can offer pump recommendations based on application conditions defined by the user.
HOMA submersible wastewater pumps are designed for pumping sewage, sludge, efluent, or surface water, including liquids containing high solids or fibrous content.
Submersible Pumps | Solids Handling Pumps | Effluent Pumps - Homa Pump
HOMA Pump manufactures a wide range of submersible pumps, from solids handling pumps to effluent pumps & more to an industry-leading standard.
OEM Pumps and Compressors for Liquid and Gas OEM Systems
THOMAS is a leading manufacturer of systems, compressors, vacuum, and liquid pumps for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in the medical, laboratory, environmental and industrial sector.
托玛斯官方 - thomas
THOMAS是一家系统、压缩机、真空和液体泵制造商,为医疗、实验室、环境和工业领域的原始设备制造商(OEMs)。 凭借其经验丰富的工程、技术和运营人员和能力,托玛斯设计和制造定制的压力和真空解决方案,以满足其客户的精确需求。 Thomas 拥有超过 60 年的卓越工程和创新经验,以及全球制造网络,是全球 OEM 的可靠选择。 全国客服中心:400-012-1268 | QQ: 800 180 724. 了解更多关于Thomas Pumps的信息.
High-Pressure Pumps - Thomas Pump
Our T-GTO pumps are high-pressure pumps for high-head / low-flow applications. The T-GTO's pitot tube allows for a wider operating range ( flow and pressure ) than traditional centrifugal or …
Hydromatic Pumps | Grinder & Sewage Pumps | Pentair
Hydromatic offers engineered submersible solids handling pumps, self-primers and grinder pumps for the municipal, commercial and industrial global markets. Hydromatic residential products include a wide range of sewage, sump, and effluent pumps & accessories for residential use.
Outline - humas
HUMAS致力于生产各种环境监测产品,如在线分析仪、便携式分析仪、实验室分析仪等。 实验室分析仪包含分光光度计、各个参数测试包、大肠菌群分析仪等。
What is a Pump? | What are the types of Pumps - Mechanical Boost
A pump is a mechanical device that is used to transfer different fluids (gases or liquids) from one location to another by applying mechanical action.
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