Hm, hmm, hmmm, mm-hmm, mm, mmm (guide to use in …
A monosyllabic ‘mm’ or ‘mmm’ usually shows satisfaction. This can be with something your character is tasting, smelling or experiencing. If you’re writing erotica, there may be a few of these peppered throughout your dialogue, and you can really experiment with the number of m’s, depending on how much your characters are enjoying ...
Hmmm、Oops等老外常说的语气词,到底是什么意思? - 网易
2021年10月8日 · 〈非正式,幽默〉 让人说慢一点或做慢一点。 和whoa有个很相近的语气词—— wow。 wow表示一种惊叹或欢喜。 例如,女生收到很不错的生日礼物,会说 “wow,it's so …
MM-HMM Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of MM-HMM is —used to indicate agreement, satisfaction, or encouragement to continue speaking. How to use mm-hmm in a sentence.
hum..., ummm..., hmmm..., mmm... (onomatopeya
2011年5月22日 · En español este sonido nasal continuado que expresa duda, sospecha o desagrado se representa (así lo he visto escrito siempre) como mmm…, ummm…, o hummm… (seguidos de puntos suspensivos siempre). La u representa un sonido muy breve y obscuro (como ciertas vocales del ruso), un mínimo apoyo vocálico que …
外国人说的“hmm”是什么意思? - 百度知道
hmm在不同语境下的意思不同,相当于中文聊天中的:“嗯、考虑看看、无语、呻吟等等”,主要有以下意思: 1、同意 ; 2、怀疑 ; 3、犹豫; 4、(拖延时间发出的)嗯嗯声 ; 5、满意。 hmm是英文里的一个象声词,读音跟”恩“一样,不过音要拉长一点。 扩展资料: 双语例句: 1、Hmm. I guess they do like brochures. 我猜测他们做相似的说明书。 2、Hmm... What if we want to review our configuration? 嗯??如果我们想复查我们的配置,该怎么做? 3、Hmm?well, maybe …
word usage - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2018年8月6日 · Yes, the sound you are referring to is called humming. The on-line Oxford Dictionary has two definitions for 'hum' as a noun. 1/ A low, steady continuous sound. 2/ Used to express hesitation or dissent. Oxford - Hum. This second definition fits well with your 'the sound you make when you're thinking'.
mm-hmm - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2024年6月2日 · mm-hmm. Alternative spelling of mhm. 1984-1993, Jason Milligan, Cross Country: Seven More One-Act Plays, page 96: Mm-hmm. And I've only been there a couple of times.
Mm-hmm - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
informal Yes; yeah. A verbal expression used to express agreement or acknowledgement. Formed by intoning "uh-huh" with a closed mouth. A: "Marty!" B: "Mm-hmm?" A: "I said, are you coming to the party tonight?" B: "Oh, yeah. See you there!" A: "How about pizza for dinner?" B: "Mm-hmm, sounds good."
Anyone figured out how to write Mm-hmm (yes) and Mm-mm (no)? - Reddit
My dictionary spells them that way. I like "Mmhmm" for yes and "Nuh uh" or something for no, just so there's more differentiation. Or, if it's more clipped, "Mhm." Uh-huh (yes); uh-uh (no). You could say that they mumbled/muttered agreement/disagreement. I read that as …
Hmmmm or Hmmm? - TextRanch
2024年3月23日 · Both "hmmmm" and "hmmm" are correct variations of the sound people make when they are thinking or considering something. The number of 'm's can vary depending on the length or intensity of the sound. Both versions are commonly used …