  1. Copilot 答案

    10 DIY Hummingbird House Plans You Can Build Today …

    • If you don’t want to spend a ton of time on it, try this simple cedar hummingbird house. You can use leftover cedar wood or poles as the raw material, and you just need a few basic woodworking tools and the corre… 展开

    Wool & Foam Hummingbird Nest

    If you’re good at sewing, give this wool-covered foam hummingbird nesta try. Using foam as a base, you’ll attach a comfortable, warm layer of wool to create a more open home that humm… 展开

    House Grail
    Private Diy Hummingbird House

    If you can’t sew or work wood but love papier-mache, you can build this secluded hummingbird housein no time. You just need papier-mache paste, a balloon, and some other reall… 展开

    House Grail
    Diy Terracotta Pot Hummingbird Home

    Technically designed as an ant guard for a birdhouse, you can adapt this planinto a mini terracotta condo for local hummingbirds. It takes very little gear to make, and it han… 展开

    House Grail
    Diy Hummingbird Perch

    Hummingbirds prefer open spaces, which makes this simple DIY percha great idea if you want to give them somewhere to rest in your garden. With just a dowel and some other assorted bi… 展开

    House Grail