Hunab Ku - Wikipedia
Hunab Ku (Mayan pronunciation: [huˈnaɓ kʼu], standard Yucatec Mayan orthography: Junab K'uj) is a colonial period Yucatec Maya reducido term meaning "The One God". It is used in colonial, and more particularly in doctrinal texts, to refer to the Christian God.
Hunab Ku: Symbolism of the One Mayan God
2023年7月27日 · Hunab Ku is a concept that comes from Yucatec Mayan tradition, where it is considered to represent the Supreme God or the ultimate power and source of life. It’s an ancient Mayan symbol, that’s popular even today in Latin American and Chicano communities. Let’s take a look at this complex symbol and the many powerful concepts associated with it.
Hunab Ku(胡那库) - 简书
2019年5月17日 · Hunab Ku(胡那库),是银河中心,是所有能量的源头。 与人类的心跳一样,在银河中心不断地以螺旋上升的方式转动,向整个银河系持续发送频率与信息。
Hunab Ku Symbol - History And Meaning - Symbols Archive
2020年12月31日 · The Hunab Ku (the Galactic Butterfly) is an ancient symbol that is associated with the Mayans but is also considered to have Aztec origins. Some also believe it has ties with Christianity. This Mayan symbol represents the merging of opposites and the One Being or …
Hunab Ku Mayan God - Mayans and Tikal
Hunab Ku is here deemed as the greatest Yucatan god who can’t be represented in any way because he lacks a form. In Chilam Balam, Hunab Ku is associated with the Mayan deity Itzamna. The earliest mention of Hunab Ku appears in a document penned down after the Spanish conquest in the 16th century
HUNAB KU » El padre de todos los Mayas - Mitologia
De los dioses mayas, Hunab Ku es el padre de todos puesto que lo reconocían como el único dios vivo y verdadero, considerado como el dios de la creación, ya que por medio de él se hizo el universo y nacen todos los seres vivos.
向宇宙源頭Hunab Ku 許願 - 方格子 vocus
2025年2月13日 · Hunab Ku 是什麼呢? 在馬雅曆法中,曼陀羅的圖騰,代表宇宙源頭,是一股合而為一的力量,內在的陰性力量與陽性力量合一的能量,平衡陰性與陽性的力量,神性並不在外,他就在你之內。
Hunab Ku - Ancient Symbols
The Hunab Ku is an ancient Mayan symbol that is said to represent the Supreme God or the One Being, with ‘Hunab’ meaning ‘one state of being’ and ‘Ku’ meaning ‘God.’. It encompasses all opposites in the universe and unites them as one: male and female, dark and light, yin, and yang, conscious and unconscious, internal and external—the list goes on.
彩繪靜心胡娜庫許願本 | 盈君老師幸福界
Hunab Ku胡娜庫是馬雅13月亮曆法裡面最重要的圖騰,是宇宙測量跟移動唯一的給予者(The One giver of movement and measure),直接連結到宇宙能量的源頭與核心。 這是一個連結「0」這個數字、也是「空性」的法則,代表一切的歸零,回到源頭、空的法則,空也代表所有的一切! 彩繪Hunab ku胡娜庫的好時機? 向宇宙下訂單:馬雅13月亮曆法當日的主印記 (kin)遇上「宇宙綠格」的日子,銀河啟動之門將會大大的開啟,胡娜庫會釋放出大量的宇宙訊息,能量非常強大。 …
HUNAB KU "What distinguishes Mayan science from present-day science is that it is a system operating within a galactic frame. A science operating within a genuinely galactic frame of reference cannot be separated from what we call myth, art, or religion.