Hungarian Qualification Framework (HuQF)
What is the HuQF? It is the national qualification framework of Hungary, which contains the qualifications of the country in the following sectors: public education, vocational training, adult education and higher education.
Hungarian Qualifications
What is the EQF good for? It serves as a converting tool between various national qualification frameworks. It makes the contents of qualifications more transparent and straightforward for employers, teachers, employees and institutions. It supports cross …
Hungarian Qualifications
2019年3月20日 · HUQF/EQF level. Set the scale of the HuQF/EQF level of relevant qualifications (e.g. Secondary school leaving exam is level 4). KEYWORD. Specify your search by a keyword of the description or learning outcomes of a qualification. THEMATIC FIELD. Narrow your search by the international classification of ISCED FOET 2013 thematic fields.
National qualifications framework - Europa
2024年4月17日 · The development of the Hungarian Qualifications Framework (HuQF) was financed by the Government from the European Social Fund. The development was performed between 2010-2015. As part of the development process, the state accredited vocational qualifications and qualifications were classified in the HuQF.
Hungary - CEDEFOP
The Hungarian qualifications framework (HuQF) was referenced to the European qualifications framework (EQF) and self-certified to the qualifications framework of the European higher education area (QF-EHEA) in 2015.
中国的大学本科毕业学士学位相当于在欧盟框架 European Qualifications Framework (EQF…
EQF欧洲资格框架是欧盟成员国和社会有关方面共同制订的针对各级各类教育和培训的评估标准,从实际知识、技术和能力水平对学习成果作出等级评定。 该标准共有8级,而1到4级适用于中等职业技术教育,而5到8级对应的是高等大学教育,而每个标准都有其对知识(Knowledge)、能力(Ability)、综合能力(Competence)的定义。 按照你说的,理论上来说,中国本科的学士学位应该对应的是EQF等级中的第6级,当然这个具体要视欧盟的学校是否承认你在中国大学的学 …
The development of the Hungarian Qualifications Framework (HuQF) has been a long process starting from 2005. By this report Hungary is aiming at performing the tasks of the first milestone of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) referencing process so that the implementation phase can start.
Description of the eight EQF levels | Europass
Each of the 8 levels of the EQF is defined by a set of descriptors indicating the learning outcomes relevant to qualifications at that level in any qualifications system. Knowledge: in the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.
Oktatási Hivatal
The Hungarian referencing report was discussed and approved by the EQF AG in February 2015. Referencing and Self-certification Report of the Hungarian Qualifications Framework to the EQF and to the QF-EHEA (pdf)
Validation of non-formal and informal learning - Europa
2024年7月16日 · The HuQF, following the structure of the EQF, has eight levels. It is a uniform description that defines and integrates all qualifications at national level for the whole or part of the education and training system in an internationally understandable and coherent way and determines the relationship between qualifications obtainable in the ...
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