Huracán STO - Lamborghini.com
A lightweight approach and functional design combine to express pure performance. While its contours may be reminiscent of the Huracán Super Trofeo EVO, the Huracán STO features a completely revised shape that optimizes the vehicle’s aerodynamics, while employing carbon fiber in more than 75% of the body panels.
Lamborghini Huracán - Wikipedia
In 2022 Lamborghini unveiled the Huracán GT3 Evo 2, which could be purchased as a new car or as an upgrade kit for the previous generation Huracán GT3. The GT3 Evo 2 takes styling cues from the Huracán STO. It features a new intake system and aerodynamic package. [89]
HURACÁN EVO - Lamborghini.com
Huracán EVO融合了兰博基尼动态转向系统 (Lamborghini Dynamic Steering) 与后轮转向系统(Lamborghini All-Wheel Steering),从而确保同级最优的动态性能。 在一套设备上拥有两套变速系统将会如何? 当第一套挂入档位,另一套已准备就绪,极大地减少了换挡时间;借助于两套离合器的交替开合,换挡过程能够即刻完成、顺畅无间。 电控全轮驱动系统能够通过车轴之间的扭矩转移确保更高的速度和精确度,更代表着在所有驾驶条件下对车辆更加全面的控制。 兰博基尼 …
HURACÁN EVO - Lamborghini.com
The Huracán EVO is the evolution of the most successful V10-powered Lamborghini ever. The result of fine-tuning and refining existing features, combined with new design solutions that increase performance, the car stands out for its ability to anticipate and cater to the driver’s behavior, expectations and desires.
2024 Lamborghini Huracán Review, Pricing, and Specs - Car and Driver
With 600-plus horsepower roaring just behind the cabin, the Huracán delivers heart-pounding acceleration with a spine-tingling soundtrack to match. It's just as home on the road as it is on a race...
实拍兰博基尼Huracán STO,最强小牛! - 知乎专栏
2020 年 11 月全球首演、传承连续三年蝉联 Daytona 24 小时耐久赛与两度 Sebring 12 小时耐久赛 GTD 级别冠军之赛事血统的 Huracán STO,外观不但大量导入与 Huracán Super Trofeo EVO 及 Huracán GT3 EVO 相似的 空力套件 ,且全车 75%的车身钣件改由碳纤维材质所制作,兰博基尼 …
基本售價1,990萬元起、640匹競技設定,Lamborghini Huracán …
Lamborghini 總代理嘉鎷興業今日 (9/14) 於臺北市內湖展示中心正式發表 2021 年 1 月舉辦過預賞活動的現行最強小牛:Huracán STO,並為這款以「Super Trofeo Omologato (可合法上路之 Super Trofeo 賽車)」的縮寫為副車名、開發理念來自 Huracán Super Trofeo EVO 及 Huracán GT3 EVO 兩款 ...
令人窒息的霸王感,实拍兰博基尼Huracán STO - 懂车帝
2021年1月4日 · 兰博基尼R&D 研发部门为 Huracán STO 开发了名为「Cofango」的前掀式碳纤维一体式车头,将整个前盖、前保险杆、下扰流与与前翼子钣合为一体、可大幅减轻车身重量,并能加快赛事中零件维修与更换的速度,重新设计的引擎盖整合车顶进气口则能提升引擎冷却效力,彷若鲨鱼鳍的中央背鳍能增加车辆高速行驶及进弯时的稳定性,导入 ALA 主动式空气力学系统之可调尾翼能进行三段调整。 Huracán STO 搭载彻底赛车化的空力套件,在时速 200 公里时能产生 …
Lamborghini 2022 Huracan STO V10 | 車款介紹 - Yahoo奇摩汽 …
流暢的車身線條與精密的空力設計,使Huracan STO 擁有同級距後驅車型中,難望項背的絕佳下壓力與傑出空力平衡數據;整體表現與Huracan Performante 相較之下,達到下壓力增加53%,整體空氣力學效率提升37%的優異成果。
Used Lamborghini Huracan STO for Sale Near Me | Edmunds
Edmunds has 68 Used Lamborghini Huracan STOes for sale near you, including a 2022 Huracan STO Coupe and a 2023 Huracan STO Coupe ranging in price from $334,878 to $589,998.