Holographic Versatile Disc - Wikipedia
The Holographic Versatile Disc (HVD) is an optical disc technology that was expected to store up to several terabytes of data on an optical disc 10 cm or 12 cm in diameter.
全息通用光盘 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
全息通用光盘 (HVD 、 Holographic Versatile Disc)是一種用 全像技術 設計、最高可以容納6 TB 資料的 光碟 存儲器。 雖然容量極大,但暫時未普及。
HVD(高清通用光盘 (High-Definition Versatile Disc))_百度百科
HVD是英文High-definition Versatile Disc的缩写。 HVD代表了中国高清数字视频的未来。 HVD集强大的功能、清晰的图像、低廉的价格、优越的向下兼容能力、关键技术、自主知识产权于一身,是市场上集成度最高的高清视频解码器。
How Holographic Versatile Discs Work - HowStuffWorks
Holographic memory systems offer more storage capacity and faster transfer rates than CDs and DVDs, but they've also been too expensive and complex to mass produce. Learn how the holographic versatile disc (HVD) has improved upon previous methods of holographic storage.
What are Holographic Versatile Discs (HVD)? - CDROM2GO
2019年3月20日 · HVDs are a development in optical media that stores data on three dimensions (as opposed to two), allowing it to store up to 6TB of data. Only half that amount is the equivalent of 830 DVDs. This is monstrously huge as the highest storage capacity for USB drives has only recently been extended to 1TB (and are very pricey).
HVD is an optical disc technology developed between April 2004 and mid-2008 that can store up to several terabytes of data on an optical disc 10 cm or 12 cm in diameter.
Holographic Versatile Disc (HVD) System - IEEE Xplore
2006年4月26日 · Holographic versatile disc (HVDtrade) system using Collineartrade holographic technologies is one of the best candidates for the ultra-high density and ultra-high speed removable storage media.
Holographic versatile disc | IEEE Conference Publication - IEEE …
2011年2月18日 · The future of optical-disks is the HVD (Holographic versatile disk). It's an ultimate capacity is 3.9 Terabytes. Holography is a method of recording patterns of light (hologram) to produce a three-dimensional object. A hologram is created by using a laser beam. It uses red (650nm) and green (532nm) laser.
HVD - 通信百科
HVD是英文High-definition Versatile Disc 的缩写。 HVD代表了中国高清数字视频的未来。 HVD集强大的功能、清晰的图像、低廉的价格、优越的向下兼容能力、关键技术、自主知识产权于一身,是目前市场上集成度最高的高清视频解码器。
Holographic Versatile Disc - Semantic Scholar
The Holographic Versatile Disc (HVD) is an optical disc technology developed between April 2004 and mid-2008 that can store up to several terabytes of data on an optical disc 10 cm or 12 cm in diameter. The reduced radius reduces cost and materials used.