Conversion and Processing of Vacuum Gas Oils
Moving to the vacuum distillation column, the vacuum distillates, light vacuum gas oil (LVGO) and heavy vacuum gas oil (HVGO) can be processed by some advanced FCC processes. However, hydrocracking is more frequently used to convert LVGO and HVGO into light and middle distillates, using particular catalysts and hydrogen.
2002年10月26日 · Vacuum Oil Distillation Figure 5 presents a schematic diagram for the pro-duction of light vacuum gas oil (LVGO) and heavy vacuum gas oil (HVGO). The HVGO section is the main heat removal zone. HVGO is withdrawn and cooled in the heat exchanger network, and then, a portion of the HVGO is returned to the top of the packing. The
Going to a VGO? – The Intermediate Feedstock You Wish You Knew!
2014年8月21日 · Vacuum gas oil or VGO is one of those mystery products talked about by refiners but barely understood by those of us that are not engineers. However it is an important intermediate feedstock that can increase the output of valuable diesel and …
Properties of hydrogenated vacuum gas oil (HVGO)
To assess the physico-chemical attributes of formed oil, flash point, pour point, viscosity, specific gravity, heating value and density were also measured and found to be very close to ideal ...
Physical and chemical properties of H-Oil HAGO, LVGO, HVGO, …
Three H-Oil gas oils, heavy atmospheric gas oil (HAGO), light vacuum gas oil (LVGO), heavy vacuum gas oil (HVGO), and two their blends with hydrotreated straight run vacuum gas oils...
Steam catalytic cracking of vacuum gas oil: Effect of co-feeding ...
2024年7月1日 · The steam catalytic cracking of heavy vacuum gas oil (HVGO) has been investigated with co-feeding of naphtha (NAPH) and gas condensate (GCON) in a microflow fixed-bed reactor. The effects of reactor temperature, nano-ZSM-5 catalyst, and steam/oil ratio on the conversion and product yields were carried out.
Simultaneous valorization and biocatalytic upgrading of heavy …
2017年7月11日 · Heavy vacuum gas oil (HVGO) is a complex and viscous hydrocarbon stream that is produced as the bottom side product from the vacuum distillation units in petroleum refineries. HVGO is conventionally treated with thermochemical process, which is costly and environmentally polluting.
Co-processing of BTL Fischer-Tropsch wax and heavy vacuum gas oil
2024年5月1日 · Co-hydrocracking of Fischer-Tropsch wax (FTW) derived from forest residue and petroleum-derived heavy vacuum gas oil (HVGO) is one of the potential ways to implement synthetic fuels into the transportation sector.
Hydrocracking of Heavy Vacuum Gas Oil with Petroleum Wax
2022年3月30日 · The hydrocracking of petroleum heavy vacuum gas oil (HVGO) is a commonly used process for the production of high-quality liquid fuels for vehicles and jet planes. The co-processing of heavy-vacuum gas oil with a high-molecular paraffinic feedstock can provide the additional intensification of the production of these high-quality liquid fuels.
Composition of Hydrogenated Vacuum Gas Oil Analysis by Gas ...
2012年1月1日 · Advanced characterization of two heavy hydrocracking unit feedstocks, Heavy Vacuum Gas Oil (HVGO) and De-Metallized Oil (DMO), both derived from Arabian Light crude oil, was performed using...