电动汽车高压互锁(HVIL)原理介绍 - 电子工程专辑 EE ...
2023年11月6日 · 高压互锁(High Voltage Inter-lock,简称HVIL),用低压信号管理高压回路 的一种安全设计方法。 在高压系统设计中,为避免由于高压连接器在实际操作 过程中带电断开、闭合所造成的拉弧,高压连接器一般都应具备“高压互锁”功 能。
Presenting the High Voltage AK family. A standard interface meeting the more demanding requirements of hybrid vehicles. In addition, the AK family is a cost-effective solution for the quickly increasing high voltage transportation market. Why HV AK Products? Products? Add the structure to fix the terminal after inserting. Why HV AK Products?
聊聊高压互锁 (HVIL) - 知乎
hvil的存在,可以使得在 高压总线 上电之前,就知道整个系统的完整性,也就是说在电池系统主、负 继电器 闭合给电之前就防患于未然. hvil的存在,是需要整个系统构成的,如下图所示. hvil主要通过连接器上完成的,主要防范的对象是线束&连接器的连接来确定,
Our connectors provide fi nger-proof, 2-step disconnection technologies to guarantee optimum safety during all handling operations. They continue to meet with changing requirements of the OEM’s in regard to HVIL on a vehicle system and connection system level.
高压线束的标准与设计要求(全) - 线束工程师之家
2020年10月28日 · hvil回路目前常用的是两种:一是整车所有高压接插件一个控制回路;另一种是发动机控制一个回路、其他设备一个回路。 此两种情况目前在OEM主机厂都有使用。
What Is HVIL? - Aptiv
2021年8月12日 · HVIL, or high-voltage interlock loop, is a safety feature of hybrid and all-electric vehicles that protects people during the assembly, repair, maintenance and operation of a vehicle. The HVIL system is designed to protect anyone who might come into contact with high-voltage components of an electric vehicle at any stage in its lifecycle.
hazardous voltage interlock loop, or HVIL. To help keep drivers and service technicians safe in High Voltage environments, a number of complex factors in the electrical system must be addressed andengineered for reliability peak performance. Product presentation Rev 26.09.2017
How to Choose a Shunt for Patients with Normal Pressure …
Most patients with hydrocephalus are still managed with the implantation of a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunt in which the CSF flow is regulated by a differential-pressure valve (DPV). Our aim in this review is to discuss some basic concepts in ...
Hybrid & Electric Vehicle (HEV) | Delphi Connection Systems
HVIL Loop · Keep drivers and technicians safe in high voltage environments. Features & Benefits: Shield Pack. HVIL Shunt in Header, Face Seal to Device; HVIL Shunt in Header, Bore Seal to Device; 2 Way connection system without HVIL; 2 Way connection system with multiple HVIL options; 2 way inline connection system with HVIL Shunt
Aptiv | 13824830 - Datasheet PDF & Tech Specs - Datasheets.com
2024年9月19日 · Aptiv's 13824830 is a 2 way hv280 header connector. hvil shunt in harness. index 1. in the wire and pcb connectors, connector discrete wire housing category. Check part details, parametric & specs updated 19-SEP-2024and download pdf datasheet from datasheets.com, a global distributor of electronics components.