By far the biggest climate impact that Swecon Sweden has in its operations comes from the transportation of servicing and spare parts vehicles. To reduce the carbon footprint, they are switching from diesel to HVO100 - this is how it works!
HVO Fuel - a small change that makes a huge difference.
HVO, or hydrotreated vegetable oil is a direct substitute for both red and white diesel. Made from 100% renewable raw materials like vegetable oils, animal fats and oils which are often waste products from the food industry. HVO is completely sustainable and reduces net CO2 greenhouse gases by up to 90%.
Notre offre de carburant HVO100 - TotalEnergies Marketing France
Le carburant HVO100 de TotalEnergies est un biocarburant d’origine 100 % renouvelable. Il est fabriqué à partir d’huiles végétales, résiduelles ou de déchets. Il est certifié durable conformément à la directive énergies renouvelables de l'Union Européenne.
HVO100 - The alternative to conventional diesel
We are now refueling our internal fleet with Neste MY Renewable Diesel™, also known as HVO 100. Depending on manufacturer approval, this fuel can be used in diesel vehicles without conversion and is compatible with the existing filling station infrastructure.
milesBIO HVO100 - Circle K
With MilesBIO HVO100 biodiesel you get a 90% reduction in CO2 without having to adapt or replace fleet vehicles. It cuts diesel engine CO2 emissions from 3.41 to just 0.35 kg per litre of fuel. It’s a green diesel that results in 50% lower unburnt hydrocarbons (HC) emissions and 30% lower carbon monoxide emissions than conventional diesel fuel.
HVO100 Diesel | OMV.at
Unser HVO100 Diesel besteht zu 100% aus erneuerbaren Rohstoffen und setzt bei der Verbrennung keinen neuen Kohlenstoff frei. Dieser 100%ig nachhaltige Kraftstoff reduziert CO 2 -Emissionen um mindestens 80%* im Vergleich zu fossilen Dieselkraftstoffen und trägt somit erheblich zur Verringerung der CO 2 -Emissionen im Straßenverkehr bei.
HVO100是什麼?居然讓物流減少近90%碳排放?! - ESG TIMES
HVO100 是一種由 100% 廢棄物與殘渣油製成的可再生燃料,符合歐洲 EN 15940 石蠟柴油品質標準。 2024 年 6 月,Lime 首次在歐洲的拖車運輸中試用 HVO100,並於同年 8 月全面應用於歐洲、中東與非洲(EMEA)地區的物流運營,減少了約 7,100 公斤的二氧化碳排放,實現了高達 89% 的減排效益。 在美國,Lime 與 Hight Logistics 合作,使用電動卡車將Lime的車輛與零件運送至加州的物流中心,占其北美出貨量的100%。 同時,Lime 在北美與鹿特丹之間的所有港口卡車 …
HVO100 | IDS - Kuwait Petroleum International
HVO100 stands for Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil, with the "100" indicating that it is 100% pure renewable diesel fuel. HVO100 is a type of renewable diesel produced through a process called hydrotreating, which involves refining vegetable oils or animal fats …
HVO stands for Hydrothreated Vegetable oil, a renewable fuel produced from vegetable oils and residual waste (animal) fats. This fuel is an eco-friendly alternative to diesel as it emits signifi-cantly less CO2 and other pollutants when burned. HVO can consist of different concentrations of HVO and fossil diesel, with the number indicating purity.
HVO100 Fuel: A Renewable Diesel | Cepsa
What is renewable diesel HVO 100? Suitable for existing engines. Current engines can be supplied with it without needing any modifications and can replace up to 100% of the traditional diesel used in road, maritime and rail transport. Renewable source that …
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