Sedena-Henschel HWK-11 - Wikipedia
The Sedena Henschel HWK-11 was a joint project between the Mexican Secretariat of National Defense (SEDENA) and Henschel Wehrtechnik GmbH of West Germany.
HWK11履带式装甲人员输送车是HWK10装甲车系列中的一种车型,该系列是在50年代后期由卡塞尔的亨舍尔工厂(Henschel-Werke of Kassel)研制的。1963年完成首辆样车,第二年开始投产,已停产,墨西哥装备使用。
HWK 11 - Army Guide
Army Guide - information about the main battle tanks, armoured vehicles and armament of the land forces and also the information concerning other army subjects - HWK 11, Tracked armoured personnel carrier, Armoured Vehicles
TNCA Salinas - Tank Encyclopedia
2018年9月16日 · There where numerous variations drawn up including the HWK 12, a light tank/tank destroyer variant similar to the Sp Pz 1C. However, the only vehicle actually was produced and pressed into service was the HWK 11 basic apc configuration. They overwent numerous upgrades into the 1980s with the last variant being a semi IFV with a turret.
HWK-11裝甲運輸車 是HWK10裝甲車系列中的一種車型,由卡塞爾的亨舍爾工廠研製,現已停產國別聯邦德國名稱HWK11履帶式裝甲人員輸送車HWK11TrackedArmouredPersonnelCarrier...
Mexican Tracked APCs - pmulcahy.com
Mexico was originally going to have a fleet of 350 HWK-11s, but economic conditions and different opportunities intervened, and ultimately, only 40 were built, though most if not all remain in service. Two prototypes of a reconnaissance model, the HWK-13 were built, but production was decided against, as was a tank destroyer variant.
HWK series AFVs - Secret Projects Forum
2006年9月6日 · Here are two more pictures of the HWK-11. This time they both show the original version of the vehicle, with no turret and firing ports and with a pintle-mounted machine gun over the commander's hatch.
Army Guide - HWK 11, Tracked armoured personnel carrier
The NIMDA company of Israel has modernised a single example of the HWK 11 APC with the original petrol power pack replaced by a new one consisting of a Model 6V-53 Detroit Diesel developing 210 hp coupled to an Allison Transmission TX-100 automatic transmission.
Fuerzas Armadas de Mexico: HWK-11 - Blogger
Los HWK-11 sirven como vehiculos de exploracion blindados y siempre han estado presentes en las maniobras anuales que realiza el Ejercito Mexicano. El 16 de septiembre de 2003 los HWK-11 desfilaron en la capital de pais integrados dentro del Agrupamiento Blindado del desfile, encuadrados en el 1er Regimiento Mecanizado (aunque organicamente ...
El arma blindada en el Ejército mexicano: sin modelos de batalla ni ...
El Ejército mexicano todavía opera algunas unidades del blindado a orugas para transporte de personal, el Henschel HWK-11, que son conocidas localmente como CBTP (C arro Blindado de Transporte de Personal), y que operan en el 6º Regimiento Mecanizado (RM) en …