Maximum subarray of size HxW within a 2D matrix
Oct 9, 2016 · The HxW subrectable is always smaller than the original NxN array. So for example given an 5x5 array, find the subarray sized 2x2 that has the biggest sum of elements - therefore I can't look for subarrays sized 5x5, it has to be the HxW size, not smaller, not bigger.
Maximum subarray of size HxW within a big 2D bit matrix
Nov 13, 2020 · Output: x and y coords of HxW subarray which has the most ones within itself Similar question was answered before: Maximum subarray of size HxW within a 2D matrix but in my problem is a bit more complicated since N is huge, in …
Select where image dimensions (hxw) above or equal to
Dec 24, 2012 · I have a MySQL table of photos and store their dimensions in a single varchar field, ie. "1024x768". Is there way to select photos above or equal to the given dimensions without having to modify the
image - height or width first in Python? - Stack Overflow
Oct 31, 2018 · I believe it's height first. A bunch of these image processing libraries/functions use (number of channels, height, width) as their image input format.
How many ways can fill in HxW rooms with 2x1 tatami mats?
Dec 25, 2016 · Question I want to check the ways of tiling a HxW grid with tatami mats (1x2 tiles)? But tatami filling has a special rule, which it is prohibited to make a cross with the border of the tatami ma...
Pytorch softmax: What dimension to use? - Stack Overflow
The function torch.nn.functional.softmax takes two parameters: input and dim. According to its documentation, the softmax operation is applied to all slices of input along the specified dim, and w...
How to save the region of interest of a frame using openCV?
It is actually quite simple to create a ROI from a frame, and basically you already wrote it there at the end (ROI = frame[100:200 , 100:200]). Lets assume this is your hand with your ROI after you did the code above (image from the internet): Now if you want what it is inside the ROI as another image, you can use: ROI = frame[100:400, 200:500] # …
Pytorch resize specific dimension while keeping aspect ratio
For example: image1 is 64x200 (HxW), while image2 is 200x64. Resizing with resize (32, ..) (image) will yield out_image1 of size 32x100, and out_image2 of size 100x32.
Vectorized way to apply a 3-dimension mask to RGB in pytorch
Aug 18, 2020 · I want to apply the mask to the image to result in a HxW (or HxWx1) tensor V where V [i,j]='the matching R\G\B value according to the mask'. Using Problem applying binary mask to an RGB image with numpy I was able to achieve the following:
cuda - How can I modify xorg.conf file to force X server to run on a ...
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